Expectations and experiences Be global! Expectations and experiences
Choose a global life. Choose a global city. Choose a global university Choose a global life. Choose a global city. Choose a global university. Choose new friends to be your family. Share a flat. Make it your home. Try exotic food. Study. Party. Learn new languages. Live new cultures. Integrate. Be employable. Pump up your cv. Network. Discover new places. Travel. Step out from your comfort zone. Work hard. Be competitive. Live on edge. Be ambitious. Succeed. Push your limits. Challenge your mindset. Dismantle misconceptions. Open your mind. Be creative. Be global.
But why would I want to do a thing like that?
Companies are looking for… “Global companies look for people who we think can take a global perspective. Students are well placed to do this if they have taken opportunities to widen their cultural perspective. If students have demonstrated they can work with other cultures and teams, that’s a big plus for us as we need students to be intellectually curious and culturally agile if they are going to work in a global context”. (Sonja Stockton, Director, Talent, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 8 December 2011)
Universities tell you that… A university’s international outlook matters. How can an institution expect to attract the very highest calibre of staff and students if it fails to look beyond its own national borders? Both the diversity of a university’s student body and the extent to which its academics collaborate with international colleagues are signs of how global an institution really is, and these factors are among the 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that allow Times Higher Education to produce the most comprehensive global university rankings in the world. - The Times
Once upon a time…
… millions of students decide to pursue a global education…
This is not the end of the story
This is the beginning It is your turn!
It is time to unpack
Would you do it again?
By all means!