Social and Emotional Competencies for Teachers: Teaching with Acceptance and Commitment David Smith, PhD
Social–emotional competencies SECs have many benefits: Developing your SECs are good for you as teachers, but also personally Students benefit from teachers with strong SECs: psychologically, socially, academically
SECs: What are they? Emotional processes Understanding, labeling feelings in self and others (empathy) Regulating emotions to guide behaviour E.g., Expressing emotions in words instead of harmful behaviour (storm out, throw a chair)
SECs: What are they? Social/interpersonal skills Understanding other’s nonverbal cues Accurately attributing purpose of behaviour Interacting prosocially (supportive, warm, caring) E.g., Mary is quiet, alone, preoccupied and worried. Teacher connects to parents’ recent separation; approaches Mary inidvdiually and offers support
SECs: What are they? Cognitive regulation (executive function) Maintaining attention and focus Shifting flexibly to new tasks, as required Inhibiting impulses that are inappropriate E.g., Orienting attention to what’s important; being present in interactions; not acting out frustration; not speaking sarcastically Jk
The Tri-flex Be present Psychological Do what matters Open up Awareness of experience Embracing experience Non-judgmental acceptance of experience Psychological Flexibility Do what matters Know what is important Align goals to values Take steps to achieve goals Open up Detach from difficult experiences Allow feelings to flow freely through Detach from rigid views of self
Effects of Teacher SECs High quality student-teacher relationships Students feel teacher’s caring and support: more engaged in schooling Teachers more satisfied and fulfilled by their work; less burnout Students show better social, psychological adjustment and academic outcomes
Effects of Teacher SECs Teachers model SECs to students Students watch teachers (keenly!) to see how they navigate stressful situations regulate their emotions interact with other students and teachers react to and resolve conflict
Effects of Teacher SECs SECs influence the organizational climate of classroom and promote learning through Effective behaviour management Maintaining calm, organized, well regulated environment Permits students to develop creativity and autonomy