Order menu 點餐吃飯囉!
The meals of a day-breakfast Pan con Tomate (Spain) Moroccan breakfast
Hawaiian breakfast Swedish breakfast
Icelandic breakfast Breakfast in Portugal
Thailand’s breakfast
Breakfast in Vietnam
Breakfast in Pakistan
The meals of a day-lunch Malawi 馬拉威 Sweden瑞典 Japan 日本 China 中國
India 印度 Korea 韓國 USA 美國 Korea 韓國
The meals of a day-dinner
Food 主餐 soup bread egg rice
Food 主餐 pizza steak □ seafood
Food 主餐 sushi dumpling curry
Drinks 飲料 coffee juice tea
Dessert 甜點 salad cake
Conversation 對話練習囉! Guest: I am ( ) (hungry or thirsty) Waiter/ Waitress: May I help you? Guest : Yes. May I get some ( )? May I have a cup of ( ) and ( )? OK!