Item 18b What options remain for EBOPS? Interagency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services
1 Manufacturing services Draft EBOPS 2010 (follows and elaborates the BPM6 classification of services) 1 Manufacturing services 2 Repair and maintenance n.i.e 3 Transportation 4 Travel 5 Construction 6 Insurance and pension services 7 Financial services 8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.
BPM6 services main items contd.. 9 Telecommunications, computer and information services 10 Other business services 10.1 Research and development services 10.2 Professional and management consulting services 10.3 Technical, trade-related and other business services 11 Personal, cultural and recreational services 12 Government goods and services n.i.e.
Propose new EBOPS standard items (A) 3.9 Pipeline transport A 3.10 Electricity transmission A 8.1 Licenses to reproduce and/or distribute computer software A 8.2 Licenses to reproduce and/or distribute audiovisual and related services A 8.3 Outcomes of research and development A 8.4 Franchises and trademarks licensing fees A 9.2.1 Computer software A 9.2.2 Other computer services A Services incidental to agriculture, forestry and fishing A Services incidental to mining, and oil and gas extraction A
Other EBOPs proposals 10 EBOPS supplementary items (optional) labelled B 3 items for description only labelled C 6 possible new alternative groupings labelled D: a) Computer software transactions (goods and services) b) Call-centre services c) Trade with related enterprises – for total services d) Environmental services e) Health services f) Education services The original list of topics for analysing the trade in services was the following. Theme 3 addressing links between merchandise trade and balance of payments trade in goods and services should be addressed in Chapter 3. Theme 5, the sectoral analysis was seen as a possible example for Chapter 5., It is currently an annex to the analytical annex. Suggestions noted were the inclusion of Country case study materials; the creation of a virtual annex on Internet; reduce the number of themes; market access indicators; and inclusion of an example on global outsourcing.
BPM6 alternative presentations Transportation and travel have two alterative presentations in BPM6. Should either be given priority in MSITS?