Women in the Workforce / Frauen im Beruf Eva Greiter, Lisa Nelz & Ida Lorenz
Women‘s rights For women and girls of many societies worldwide Women‘s rights movement in the 19th century Feminist movement in the 20th century In some countires the rights are supported by law, local custom,.. in others they may be ignored Difference on human rights
Equal employment rights For women and men Non-discriminatory access of women to jobs and equal pay The rights to have euqal benefits for equal work in the early 1970‘s The right for married women to be permanent employees before: lost their jobs and sometimes women could not work without the consent of their husbands
Right to vote 19th century demonstration for women‘s right to vote „Women and the Republic“ is the best argument against women‘s suffrage For education, control over family size, free speech,…
Some important rights Eleminating prejudice in public education Full political rights to vote and to run for and to serve in public office Rights to change nationality equal to men‘s rights Marriage and divorce rights to be equal to men‘s, and elimination of child marriage Equality in criminal punishment Traffic in women, including exploiting prostitutes
National Organisation for Women - NOW Summarizes key women‘s rights issues in 1996 Women‘s rights based on the idea of equality as an opportunity for women to „develop their fullest human potentials“ Areas of women‘s rights issues: Employment, economics and education Family, including marriage, divorce and home responsiblities Political participation Images of women in culture and social practice „protectiveness“ in work, school, church, etc.
Organisations for Women
Women in the workforce The situation for women have improved over the last years and decades. Overall, the number of women in the workforce has increased from about 38% in 1960 to about 58% in 1995. More women are: Getting a college education Not getting married Not having children Working in “Male” jobs
Changes for women in the workforce between 1960 and 2006
The situation in Europe Many different countries Each with their own characteristics and history on women’s rights It must also be noted that, in spite of the 27 member states in the European Union having much in common, each of them has their own specific characteristics, and therefore its own history on women's emancipation, too.
The situation in Europe Think of such differing countries as Portugal in the West; Poland in the East, Finland up at the top in the North, Greece in the South or Austria in the center. They are all different countries with their own values, beliefs, history, rules etc.
Education In education, women are more successful than men in almost all EU countries. Beginning courses at University (54%) More successful in their final degrees (59%) In education, girls and young women are more successful than boys and young men in almost all EU countries. More women begin courses at University (in 2003, this proportion lay at 54 percent EU-wide) and they are even more successful in their final degrees (59 percent).
Positions in the workforce 40% of female employees work in: Health jobs Upbringing and education Trade and sales Only 20% of men work in such jobs. In spite of women’s high qualifications, they often find themselves in lower position and less well-paid jobs in comparison to men.
Political involvement Women are under- represented in all countries in Europe (average involvement: 24%) Sweden, Finland, Denmark and the Netherland: 40% Germany, Austria, Spain and Belgium: 30% Greece, France, Slovenia, Ireland and Romania: 15% Malta and Hungary: 10%
Management positions Women in management positions for the entire EU is 32% Highest management levels in EU is only 10% woman
The Gender Pay Gap Women earn over 16% less than men per hour in the EU
Uniting work and family Companies don‘t like to employ and support women with family plans Children as an obstacle for a women‘s career women are overloaded with housework, childcare and job even when they have a fulltime job they tend to do almost all the housework
Big society problem Educated women tend to be childless 38 % of studied women remain childless countries like Sweden have better solutions for childcare more educated women have children
Solutions More support and payment from government „Punks“ „Panks“ (professional uncle/aunt with no kids) More flexible schedules at work Husband and wife as a good team