Types of Studies/Assessments Sub-Regional Studies – existing & on-going Sub-Regional Working Papers – Sub-regional analysis by Goal Country Studies, Reports and Surveys
A. ECD policy review A. Ongoing ECD policy review - UNICEF EAPRO and UNECO BKK. About 8 countries have already agreed to join this review of national policies related to Early Childhood (in Ministries of Health, Education and Social Welfare) and issues in their implementation. The training of national consultants was held in February 2007, with the intention of linking the outcomes and findings with the MDA through a second workshop in July. East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia Focal Point: UNESCO/UNICEF
B. Inclusion of children with disabilities Case studies on inclusion of children with disabilities in primary schools reviewing both existing policies as well as practice (UNESCO UIS AIMS Unit) East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Pacific Focal Point: AIMS – UIS
C. Learning achievement review Learning achievement review – Rather than conduct a new learning achievement study, this will be a desk review of existing global & regional initiatives that countries in the sub-region have conducted (i.e., PISA, TIMMS, EALAS, etc). The review will make comparisons and look at trends and commonalities in the region East Asia, South East Asia, Central Asia, Pacific Focal Point: UNICEF
D. National definitions of life skills AIMS Unit has commissioned a Life Skills study which can be linked to the EFA MDA. This study looks at how various countries define life skills as well as how they incorporate or mainstream life skills approaches into the curriculum and instructional system East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia Focal Point: AIMS - UIS
E. Literacy surveys AIMS and the UIS are also undertaking literacy surveys to supplement Household surveys.: 1) ordinary head count; 2) Household inventory of home environment and behaviour; 3) functional literacy survey; UIS is also undertaking LAMP and discussions are underway in Thailand, Viet Nam, etc. East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia Focal Point: AIMS - UIS
F. Desk review of existing Gender and Education Desk review of existing Gender and Education and studies, with attention to initiatives on gender responsive teaching and learning processes and policies to redress gender inequalities in access, quality and administration. Some countries have indicated doing new country cases studies like Cambodia, which will look into its gender mainstreaming strategy and how to implement in the ground. China and Indonesia have also showed interested. This desk review of studies will also explore drop-out and repetition issues and how girls can complete basic education. East Asia, South East Asia, Focal Point: Regional UNGEI (UNICEF/UNESCO)
G. MICs Meta-analysis MICs Meta-analysis of Education to review the 11 countries completing MICs in late 2006 and early 2007. Countries which have completed DHS, Household Expenditure Studies, or National Poverty Surveys can also be included in the meta-analysis. East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia Focal Point: UNICEF
H. financing of education Study on financing of education, including a look at the contribution of NGOs, the private sector and individuals. This can be meta-analysis of existing World Bank and UNESCO studies on education expenditure and financing and can set-up a cross-cutting international review of EFA budgets and financing. This study could also include surveys of Household expenditures on primary and/or secondary education, with a lens on levels of disparity. East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia Focal Point: UNICEF/UNESCO
I. SOUTH ASIA CASE STUDIES OF PROCESSES AND PRACTICES WITHIN EDUCATION SWAps/ PBAs TO ADDRESS GENDER AND SOCIAL DISPARITY A series of field research studies on the addressing of gender and equity issues in SWAps/ PBAs in 3-4 countries in South Asia- Bangladesh (UNICEF-focal point-GoB and 11 development partners), Nepal (UNICEF focal point-GoN and 8 development partners), Sri Lanka (UNICEF focal point and GoSL ) A synthesis report, summarising key trends and issues Based on the outcomes of the above, Guidelines/ Resource Pack/ Toolkit for addressing gender and equity issues within SWAps/ PBAs. (Building on what was done for DAC Guidelines on Gender Mainstreaming in SWAps, 2000).
J. South Asia UNGEI Knowledge Series Carried out by consultants under the supervision of co-chairs of South Asia UNGEI working groups Barriers to Girls’ Education and Gender Equality (ILO/PLAN International) Girls’ Education and Health (IPPF/UNAIDS) Poverty and Vulnerability (UNESCAP/ASPBAE) Girls’ Quality Education (BRAC/?) Gender mainstreaming (UNESCO/Commonwealth Secretariat) Girls’ Education in Emergencies (UNICEF/SAFED)-Field Study
2. Sub-Regional Working Papers – Sub-regional analysis by Goal Compilations of Data and Analysis from National Reports Including findings from Sub-Regional Studies and Reports Incorporating Country Level Reports and Studies as relevant Provides inputs and basis for Sub-Regional Reports
3. Country Studies, Reports and Surveys – existing & on-going In exercise after lunch – countries start to compile a list of key studies and data-sets outside of EMIS that will be incorporated in National Reports.