Impact of VBP on VBP Performance Measures Data source: HHC, released July 2016 and July 2017: *Star Measures*
Impact of VBP on HHCAHPS VBP Measures Data source: HHC, released July 2016 and July 2017: *Star Measures*
Impact of VBP on Non-VBP Measures Data source: HHC, released July 2016 and July 2017: *Star Measures*
Improvement Observations HHAs across the country Have been improving in improvement outcomes and process measures (mixed in vaccination rates) Hospitalization and emergency department visit rates have gone up Mixed results in HHCAHPS measures More improvement in VBP states and VBP measures More improvement after VBP started (2016) than before (2015), across both groups Punch line: it is harder to earn stars and harder to be on the “plus side” of VBP in OASIS-based outcomes