Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 16 September 2005


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Presentation transcript:

Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 16 September 2005 SLS Area Plenary Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 16 September 2005 16 September 2005


Current CCSDS Working Groups 16 September 2005

High Rate Uplink BOF SLS AREA REPORT Goal: Provide technical recommendations to the CIS-Lunar WG in the areas of RF&Modulation, Coding, and Link Layer protocols in support of the Lunar Exploration Missions. Address the high rate uplink requirements from the IOAG. BOF Status: Active X Idle ____ BOF Summary Situation : Convert to a WG in support of CIS-Lunar status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good progress 16 September 2005

High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) BOF Summary progress: SLS AREA REPORT High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) BOF Summary progress: This BOF has provided a preliminary set of issues for the CIS-Lunar WG to respond to. The draft WG charter will be updated to become the WG charter 16 September 2005

High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: SLS AREA REPORT High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Without a focus on the RF, Coding, and Link layer problems of CIS-Lunar, the High Rate BOF’s problem domain would be too broad. Once the needs of the CIS-Lunar WG are understood better, a High Rate Uplink WG charter can be more definitively formulated. 16 September 2005

High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) Planning : SLS AREA REPORT High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) Planning : Deliver the WG Charter Sept.30, 2005 Participate in CIS-Lunar Telecons, On-going, 2005-2006 16 September 2005

High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) Resolutions : SLS AREA REPORT High Rate Uplink BOF (cnt’d) Resolutions : Request CESG to enable the formation of the High Rate Uplink WG in support of the CIS-Lunar WG objectives in the areas of RF&Modulation, Coding & Synchronization, and Link Layer ; 16 September 2005

IP over CCSDS Links BOF SLS AREA REPORT Goals: Clearly articulate the need to transfer IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams over the four underlying internationally standardized CCSDS link layer protocols Describe the standard CCSDS options for carrying IP datagrams within those CCSDS frames, including the mode where those IP datagrams are encapsulated within a specific HDLC serial bit stream for interfacing with a COTS router. BOF Status: Active X Idle ____ BOF Summary Situation : There is consensus to form a WG status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good progress 16 September 2005

IP over CCSDS BOF (cnt’d) SLS AREA REPORT IP over CCSDS BOF (cnt’d) BOF Summary progress: This BOF has reviewed the Concept Paper i.e., draft White book towards the development of a Recommended Practice for how to guide the user in transferring IP over CCSDS links. The draft WG charter will be updated to become the WG charter 16 September 2005

IP over CCSDS Links BOF (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: SLS AREA REPORT IP over CCSDS Links BOF (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Unclear if the Encapsulation Packet Header needs to be modified to include an End-Destination Address for CIS-Lunar. 16 September 2005

IP over CCSDS WG (cnt’d) Planning : SLS AREA REPORT IP over CCSDS WG (cnt’d) Planning : Provide a WG Charter, Sept.30, 2005 Deliver CCSDS IP over CCSDS Recommended Practices White Book Oct 15, 2005 Participate in CIS-Lunar Telecons, On-going, 2005-2006 16 September 2005

IP over CCSDS Links BOF (cnt’d) Resolutions : SLS AREA REPORT IP over CCSDS Links BOF (cnt’d) Resolutions : Request CESG to enable the formation of the IP over CCSDS Links WG 16 September 2005

SLS-SLP WG SLS AREA REPORT Goal: Dispose AOS Frame Sequence counter extension RID to Pink Sheet. Discuss Encapsulation Header Pink Sheet (32-bit compatibility) Discuss RID on Prox-1 Data Link Layer Pink Sheet (Frame Prioritization) Pink Sheets to Space Link Identifiers Discussion on comments to Link Layer Green books BOF Status: Active X Idle ____ BOF Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good progress 16 September 2005

SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) SLS AREA REPORT SLS-SLP Summary progress: JAXA RID to AOS Pink Sheet for Frame Sequence Counter Extension handled by using 4-bits from Signaling Field. Encapsulation Packet Pink Sheet requires further agency review CIS-Lunar requirements need to be evaluated Need for protocol ID extension? Prox-1 Data link layer frame prioritization adjusted to prevent data starvation case on the forward link during an unbalance link condition – requires new pink sheet for agency review No RIDs to Space Link Identifiers – addition of Prox-1 well-known Port IDs and comments. Takahiro’s Space Packet Protocol GB requires review from SIS area 16 September 2005

Need wider agency review of Encapsulation Packet Pink Sheet SLS AREA REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Need to update Encapsulation Packet Pink Sheet to incorporate more Protocol IDs Need wider agency review of Encapsulation Packet Pink Sheet 16 September 2005

Anticipate further modification to Encapsulation Packet Sept.30, 2005 SLS AREA REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Planning : Anticipate further modification to Encapsulation Packet Sept.30, 2005 Work with SIS area on Space Packet Protocol GB Continue development of Prox-1 GB 16 September 2005

Request CESG approve Pink Sheet to Space Link Identifiers as is. SLS AREA REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : Request CESG approve modified Pink Sheet to AOS specification for frame sequence count extension (use of 5 of 7 spare bits from signaling field); Request CESG approve Pink Sheet to Space Link Identifiers as is. 16 September 2005

Prox-1 Build-2 WG SLS AREA REPORT Goal: Provide a requirement in the Prox-1 Physical Layer for data rate stability: both short and long term Address the RID on the Frame Priority within the Data Link layer of Proximity-1 WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good progress 16 September 2005

Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) WG Summary progress: SLS AREA REPORT Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) WG Summary progress: Consensus on the value for the short and long term data rate stability requirements. Consensus on the modified frame prioritization rules. 16 September 2005

Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: SLS AREA REPORT Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Needed consensus for the value of the short term data rate stability requirement in the physical layer of Prox-1 Needed to modify the frame prioritization scheme in the Prox-1 data link layer due to the data frame starvation problem for unbalanced links. 16 September 2005

Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Planning : SLS AREA REPORT Prox-1 Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Planning : Monitor the progress of the proposed pink sheet to the Prox-1 Data link layer, June 2006 16 September 2005

Prox-1-Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : SLS AREA REPORT Prox-1-Build-2 WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : Request CESG to approve Pink Sheet 211.1-P-2.1 Dec. 2004 that establishes the data rate stability requirements for Prox-1 16 September 2005

Data compression WG SLS AREA REPORT Goal: Specify an image compression algorithm fulfilling identified space mission requirements Develop a subsequent recommendation together with the supporting information (performances, usage, reference software, test data for compliance testing, …). Working Group Status: Active X Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good progress 16 September 2005

Data compression WG (cnt’d) SLS AREA REPORT Data compression WG (cnt’d) Working Group Summary progress: Red book issue 2 has been reviewed : 46 RIDS received and closed. Update RB-2 with disposed RIDS and request for promotion to BB. Green book is being assembled; editing leadership has been split among WG members; major chapters completed. Complete GB draft WG review and request approval from CESG Cross verification of recommendation near completion: 3 S/W under verification with 95% completion. Decision is to host JPL S/W at Open Channel S/W website which JPL has an agreement for open-source S/W. Complete S/W cross-verification Compression needs and on-going work presented by ESA, CSA, CNES and NASA JPL. Three topics for potential BOFs will be considered, only one will be chosen before next meeting.  Total 13 WG Action Items created 16 September 2005

Data compression WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: SLS AREA REPORT Data compression WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: None 16 September 2005

Data compression WG (cnt’d) Planning : SLS AREA REPORT Data compression WG (cnt’d) Planning : Complete S/W cross-verification Oct., 2005 Issue BLUE BOOK, Oct., 2005 Complete GREEN BOOK draft Feb., 2006 Release reference S/W, March, 2006 Issue GREEN BOOK, April, 2006 Begin agency review of 121.0-B-1: Lossless Data Compression Blue Book issued 1997 for either confirmation, update or retirement, March, 2006 Decision on new Compression BOF (SAR, Multi/Hyper-Spectral, New Lossless), April 2006 16 September 2005

Data compression WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : SLS AREA REPORT Data compression WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : Given successful review of RB-2, WG will request promotion to BB after final update ; WG will request area director to submit GB to CESG polling upon completion of the GB (04/2006) ; WG will request agency review of updated CCSDS 121.0-B-1; WG request creation of new BOF on subjects to be chosen among three topics: SAR data compression, Multi/Hyper-spectral data compression and new general-purpose lossless compression; WG request area director to invite CESG members to report on agency needs in data compression. 16 September 2005

SLS-TCC: Telecommand Channel Coding WG SLS AREA REPORT SLS-TCC: Telecommand Channel Coding WG Goal: Development of a Telecommand Channel Coding Green Book. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Green Book finalized. Rids to BB 231 processed – Agreed to ask Technical Corrigendum instead of Pink Sheets Change previous resolution on the subject status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good progress 16 September 2005

SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (1) SLS AREA REPORT SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (1) Goal : - Issue TM Channel Coding GB - Issue new codes experimental (orange) book(s) Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress : See next slide status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: X 16 September 2005

SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (2) SLS AREA REPORT SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (2) Telemetry Channel Coding Green Book prepublication version provided by secretariat. A few minor changes agreed in this meeting (old resolution existed covering publication of GB) Orange Book on GSFC LDPC Codes: Book was discussed, update to be performed according to comments received. Ready to be published. Orange Book on JPL LDPC Codes: No update provided. Previous version considered “Ready for publication” by JPL NASA official decision awaited w.r.t. the number of orange books (1 or 2) to be published Orange Book on ESTEC SCCC: Initial Draft provided. Report on Requirements from (closed) New Codes BOF presented. 16 September 2005

SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes (‘tornado codes’) BOF SLS AREA REPORT SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes (‘tornado codes’) BOF Goal: Make, if conclusive, a proposal for the creation of a WG on application of long erasure-correction codes. BOF Status : Active BOF Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: NASA and ESA reports presented. Draft Requirements for eventual WG identified (To Be Discussed). Decision on creation of WG to be taken at Spring 2006 meeting. Presentation to SDLP+MOIMS of LEC capabilities in spring 2006 if required to have feedback on mission scenarios&requirements status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: work in progress 16 September 2005

Cross-area technical issue Secure communications Need for secure RF&Mod recommended techniques ? Need for secure data link protocols ? Cislunar missions Input expected from Cis-lunar space internetworking WG Services & performances expected from layers 1 & 2 Critical as a starting point for high rate uplink WG SIS area Review by SIS of Space Packet Protocol GB needed Interaction with SIS needed on encapsulation packet definition Protocol ID extension, end-destination address Inclusion of “encapsulation packet” rec. in IP-over-CCSDS link charter Interpretation of APID Old interpretation have been dropped in the restructuring of recommendations 16 September 2005

Other issues & concerns IOAG resolutions : Bandwidth efficient modulations High rate telecommand for lunar & planetary missions Delta-DOR ranging Security & authentication Launchers tracking & data acquisition Other topics : General approval of CCSDS web site and CWE documents review and editing back on track 16 September 2005

Proposed area resolutions & action items Res1 : request CESG to enable the creation of high rate uplink WG Res 2 : Request CESG to enable the formation of the IP over CCSDS Links WG Res3 : Request CESG approve modified Pink Sheet to AOS “extension of VC frame counter” Res4 : Request CESG approve Pink Sheet to Space Link Identifiers as is. Res5 : Request CESG to approve Pink Sheet 211.1-P-2.1 Dec. 2004 that establishes the data rate stability requirements for Prox-1 16 September 2005

Proposed area resolutions & action items Res6 : Given successful review of Image Compression RB-2, request CESG to approve Image Compression recommendation as a blue book after final update Res7 : request creation of new BOF on subjects to be chosen among three topics: SAR data compression, Multi/Hyper-spectral data compression or new general-purpose lossless compression Res8 : Ask Technical Corrigendum for BB 231(TC channel coding & synchronization) instead of Pink Sheets Res9 : request publication of TM Channel Coding GB Res10 : request CESG approval of new codes Orange Book(s) from NASA 16 September 2005