Hyperbole – What is it? Watch the following videos to answer questions about hyperbole: Everything you Need to Know Hyperbole Song
Some Examples of Hyperbole
Tall Tales A story with unbelievable elements, told as if it were true and factual Some are exaggerations of actual events (“That fish was so big…” Others are completely fictional, but take place in a familiar setting The narrator feels like part of the story In tall tales, the exaggeration looms large, to the point of becoming the whole of the story
Canadian Tall Tales The Canadian frontier inspired tall tales of how our country came to be, including: Big Joe Mufferaw, a giant lumberjack and woodsman from the Ottawa Valley Johnny Chinook, a Canadian cowboy and rancher Métis from Alberta Ti-Jean, a giant 10-year-old French-Canadian lumberjack
Big Joe Mufferaw Folk hero inspired by Joseph Montferrand (1802- 1864) Lumberjack and defender of French-Canadian loggers
Elements of a Tall Tale The hero of the story is a super-human person who is often unusually large or strong. The hero believes he is a common man and uses ordinary language. He usually doesn’t realize there is anything extraordinary about his behavior. There is a problem that needs to be solved. The solution the hero comes up with is usually funny or outrageous. Details of the story are exaggerated beyond belief. There is no doubt that the story is unreal.
Writing Tall Tales You will be evaluated on the following: Narrative writing rubric (which we will go over in class) Your use of hyperbole (and simile, metaphor, alliteration)
Basic Story Structure
Writing Tall Tales – The Details You must include: examples of hyperbole, at least 20 vocabulary words (up to list 6) Your narrative will be a first-person narrative – the narrator is a character retelling the story Your tall tale should explain how something in Canada has come to be from the examples provided…
Canadian Tall Tales The Canadian Rockies mountain range, with jagged, ice-capped peaks, spans British Columbia and Alberta
Canadian Tall Tales Peyto Lake is a glacier-fed lake in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies
Canadian Tall Tales Horseshoe Falls, also knows as Canadian Falls, is the largest of the three waterfalls which collectively form Niagara Falls
Canadian Tall Tales Athabasca Falls is a waterfall in Jasper National Park in Alberta
Canadian Tall Tales The Hopewell Rocks, also called the Flowerpots Rocks or simply The Rocks, are rock formations caused by tidal erosion in New Brunswick
Canadian Tall Tales Beacon Hill Park located in Victoria, British Columbia
Canadian Tall Tales Montmorency Falls on the Montmorency River in Quebec
Canadian Tall Tales The Gatineau Park in Quebec