Unit 5 Review WWI
1. What veteran of WWI is going to be angry and desire vengeance which will eventually start WWII? Adolf Hitler
2. What are the main causes of WWI? M= Militarism A= Alliance System I=Imperialism N=Nationalism
Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand 3. This event sparked WWI Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand
4. How did the alliance system contribute to the start of this war? It pulled one nation after another into the conflict based on treaties.
5. At the onset of this war, America had this policy towards the war Neutrality
Belgium To invade France and take over Paris 6. Germany entered this country without their permission- Bonus 20 points- Why did Germany want to enter this country? Belgium To invade France and take over Paris
7. This was the ground war strategy used in WWI. Trench Warfare
8. These two events threatened the “freedom of the seas” and made Americans upset about the war. British Blockade against Germany German U boats destroying any boat in the area
9. A German U Boat sunk this British Liner which carried 128 Americans. The Lusitania
10. Zimmerman Note What was it? Why is it significant to the war? A telegram from Germany to the German Ambassador in Mexico that was intercepted by the U.S. saying if the U.S. entered the war Germany would help Mexico get back territories in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This not only threatened our borders. It was a direct threat against the United States and will be one of the main reasons the U.S. declares war on Germany.
11. What did Congress pass to give the Government more man power for the War? Selective Service Act
12. What system was put in place to allow ships and large vessels with men and supplies to get through the German U-Boats? Convoy System
Meatless days, lightless days, gasless Sundays, Daylight savings time 13. How did Americans conserve food and energy on the Home Front during the war? Meatless days, lightless days, gasless Sundays, Daylight savings time
14. This is biased communication to influence people's thoughts and actions and was used during this war. Propaganda
15. Germany was the main target of attacks on U. S 15. Germany was the main target of attacks on U.S. soil- name 2 ways Germans were discriminated against in the U.S. during this war. Lost jobs, libraries destroyed any books about Germany or German authors, refuse to play Bach or Mozart or any other German musicians, Schools stopped teaching the German language, towns that had German names changed them, etc.
16. What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts? A person could be fined or put in jail for saying anything negative about the war effort or the government.
(Woodrow) Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan 17. This President developed this plan for peace. What is the name of the Plan and who was the President? (Woodrow) Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan
18. Wilson created this as his last “point” to give nations a forum to discuss differences in hopes to eliminate any future wars. League of Nations
19. Why didn’t the United States join the League of Nations? Many thought it threatened America’s policy of Isolationism and it would pull the United States into more wars overseas.
20. This treaty officially ended WWI. Treaty of Versailles
21. What are war reparations? And which country had to honor it? Money to be paid for war damages, Germany
22. Germany had to sign this which placed the blame of the war on Germany. War Guilt Clause
23. What did the Treaty of Versailles settle? NOTHING!