Concepts of Geographic Thinking #2. Patterns and Trends: The arrangement of objects on the earth’s surface in relationship to each other. Patterns are observed over space/areas The Mac Farthest Place to get a burger in the USA Can you identify at least 2 patterns in this map?
Concepts of Geographic Thinking Trends: are observations made over time. Maps and graphs show trends well. Trends are observed over time . Patterns and The Year a Country Got it’s First McDonalds Can you identify at least 2 trends in this map? The Mac Farthest Place to get a burger in the USA
Concepts of Geographic Thinking Using Geographic vocabulary to explain patterns and trends
Concepts of Geographic Thinking Using Geographic vocabulary to explain patterns and trends
Concepts of Geographic Thinking How to conduct a patterns and trends study Step 1: Observe the available data and determine if it represents a pattern or a trend Step 2: Using appropriate vocabulary, describe the pattern by citing specific locations or describe the trend by commenting on the changes over a specific time period. Step 3: Hypothesize/suggest a reason for the observed pattern or trend.
Concepts of Geographic Thinking How to conduct a patterns and trends study Bring it all together…..
Concepts of Geographic Thinking Interrelationships How to conduct a patterns and trends study
Concepts of Geographic Thinking 3. Interrelationship: A relationship that exists between different features, patterns or trends. We can find relationships within and between the natural environment and human built environment Natural + Natural (Pine trees grow in acidic soil) Natural + Human (Ski resorts are located on hills or mountains) Human + Human (____find an interrelationship below_____) McDonalds Locations USA Population Density USA
Concepts of Geographic Thinking The last concept of Geographic thinking is called 4.Geographic Perspectives: A perspective is a way of looking at the world that includes environmental, political, social and economic implications. When looking at the same ISSUE o TOPIC, people may interpret them in very different ways based on the perspective they have on the world. Ex. Should McDonalds be allowed to sell food that is not nutritious? Should McDonalds be allowed to use to much disposable material in their products? Should McDonalds pay their employees higher than minimum wage? Should the government step in and force the company to make changes that benefit people and the environment?
Concepts of Geographic Thinking Check out the images around the room and identify your perspective. If you have a perspective different from the ones present, add it with a pen or pencil.
Concepts of Geographic Thinking The perspectives a person can have on an issue can be grouped into one of 4 themes. Social: The perspective on how people and their daily lives are impacted Environmental: The perspective on how the environment is impacted Political: The perspective on the impact of government decisions Economic: the perspective on the impact of the economy, jobs and money.
Time to Practice So far we have learned about: 1 Spatial Significance 2 Patterns and Trends Interrelationships Geographic Perspectives Apply your knowledge of these to the following maps and share your thoughts with the class
Analyze This “Grap”(graph/map)
Analyze This “Grap”(graph/map)
It Doesn’t always have to be serious! Spatial Significance? Pattern ? Trend? Interrelationship? Perspectives?
It Doesn’t always have to be serious!
It Doesn’t always have to be serious!
Analyze this “Grap” Spatial Significance? Pattern ? Trend? Interrelationship? Perspectives?
Maps Need to be Analyzed!!! You must analyze maps through the geographic concepts ! Ask questions! Make inferences! What information is the map showing? What is its significance? Explain a pattern or trend you see Can you identify any interrelationships?