“The Beginning Of New Era” MUSIC BINGE 2K18 “The Beginning Of New Era”
Welcome Thank you for taking the time to review this sponsorship proposal for Music Binge 2K18 “The Beginning”, Saturday, February 3, 2018. Your sponsorship of Music Binge 2K18 provides you the opportunity to get business in front of thousands of people, to be associated with good times and great music, and to be known for being part of one of the best musical events in Delhi NCR area.
About Music Binge 2K18 Hosted by S&R Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. lined up with some live band performance and Electronic Dance Music (EDM) will be played by world’s renown DJs. Expected to attract more than 5,000 people to the area. Please Join Us- Few important details are also mentioned below: Venue : Leisure Valley, Gurugram Date : 3rd 4th Time : 5 pm to 2 am Artist : Local DJ, Ellie Blink, DJ Nucleya, DJ Zaiden.
About the Host S&R Entertainment: Entertainment firm, Founded by Dilip Kumar based in Delhi. Established in the year 2017, at Sultanpur, New Delhi. Strive to create an impact by organizing and managing top-notch events. We the Team of talented and extremely creative people, design events to give you an experience to remember for a long time.
Gathering Musical Fest We have an expectation of a total gathering of approx 5,000 depending on the promotions We have chosen a venue after keeping in mind the security of people and the venue can hold a gathering of more than 10000 people wherein we expect 60% Male and 40% Female crowd Age Target: 18+ Male % : 60% Female % : 40% Expected : 5000-6000 Approx
PROMOTION Digital Marketing – Traditional Media – SOURCES Digital Marketing – Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In Traditional Media – Advertisement in Newspapers – Delhi Times, Hindustan Times, etc Advertisement on Radio – FM 95.3 or FM 95.00 Hoardings – Optional
Why Brand Sponsor? Being featured in the program book of the event on the event’s website with your logo. You’ll get leverage to your sponsorship and get brand recognition. By leveraging the event to your advantage, there will be no limit on your potential ROI.
BENEFITS OF BRAND SPONSER Direct Target Audience Deliver Great ROI Reconnect with customers and engage with an audience. Brand Awareness and Media Exposure Increase your reach and exposure to new clients.
MAIN STAGE TITLE PARTNER Highest status of sponsorship due to highest contribution 80 to 100% Often name/ Logo of such a sponsor is placed next to the name of competition, teams gatherings, printed t-shirts related to event. Logo Recognition on print material & Sponsor banner. They get exclusive places to do promotion, placement of logos in all areas etc. Name Recognition in social media Banner display by music stage Live mention throughout the event. 8 VIP Parking Passes Radio Advertisement, Print Media, Electronic Media
MAIN STAGE TITLE SPONSER/ PREMIUM PARTNER This title is given to companies contributing about 25 to 50 % of raised funds. Often name/ Logo of such a sponsor is placed next to the name of competition Placement of logos in all areas Logo Recognition on print material & Sponsor banner. Name Recognition in social media Banner display by music stage 6 VIP Parking Passes Radio Advertisement,Print Media.
ASSOCIATE SPONSER Companies contributing about 10 to 25% of raised funds. Name Recognition in social media. Logo Recognition on print material & Sponsor banner. Banner display on specific areas. 4 VIP Parking Passes
GIVEAWAY SPONSER Price is negotiable Name Recognition in social media. 2 Event Passes Limited Banner Display