We love Your Child!!!!! Mrs. Tarver’s 4K Weekly Newsletter Last Week: We studied letter Aa, the number 1, and apples. Ask your child about the apple tasting and graphing we did on Friday. Mrs. Tarver’s 4K Weekly Newsletter This Upcoming Week: We will learn about the letter Bb, the number 1, and our five senses. We will look forward to a five senses party on Friday, where we will try different smells, tastes, textures, sights and sounds!!!!! 9/14/17 Next Week’s Snacks: Monday: Karlei Tuesday: Korlie Wednesday: Laci Thursday: Mary Ryder Friday: Pace HOMEWORK The other PreK teachers and I have decided to send homework home Mon.-Thurs. nights. This is not required , but is great reinforcement for our skills. If your child brings his or her homework back completed, he or she will get a treat: sticker, gummy bear, etc. Charleston Wrap-this came home in your child’s bag last Friday. All orders and money are due by Sept. 22. Checks need to be made to Bell Booster Club. online orders are possible. All the info is in the packet. BRING A BEAR FOR LETTER Bb! On Friday, September 22, we are asking That all 4K children bring a stuffed bear or some sort of toy bear to celebrate the end of letter Bb week. It helps them to have real items to associate with each letter we study. . . THANK YOU! We would like to thank all the parents who have been faithfully sending class snacks, helping get homework done, and some who have discussed behaviors with your child. We know how much work it takes to be a parent, and we appreciate you!!!!!! We love Your Child!!!!! . Email me at atarver@Cleveland.k12.ms.us if you have any questions or concerns.