Welcome to Deep Run Elementary School!
Welcome Deep Run Rangers! Denise Lancaster, Principal Dan Notari, Assistant Principal Sophia Quirk, Assistant Principal
Arrival and Dismissal Students may arrive at 9:05 a.m., but not before. Dismissal is at 3:55 p.m. Bus Routes and approximate pick-up times will be posted on the HCPSS website and local newspapers this week. www.hcpss.org
Lunch and Recess myschoolbucks.com Point of Sale: Lunch costs $2.75. Milk costs 50 cents Cafeteria Manager—Ms. Joan Harding Recess - 30 minutes Lunch - 30 minutes
Dress Code Wear tennis shoes/sneakers for participation in PE and for recess Wear tops that cover the shoulders Wear layers--suggest having a sweatshirt in your backpack Please keep toys at home We discourage cell phones but if students have one, it must stay in the backpack all day
Visiting Our School Volunteers and visitors are welcome. You may have lunch with your student. Volunteers and visitors must be arranged ahead of time with the teacher. Please sign-in in the office. You will need an ID to register in Lobby Guard
Band and Chorus Mr. Doug Lea, Band Director Mrs. Jackie DeBella, Strings Director Mr. Tom Monroe and Mrs. Lisa Bowling, Chorus Directors 3rd graders can participate in strings 4th and 5th graders can participate in band, strings, & chorus.
Related Arts Each week students participate in: Art Media Music PE Technology
Upcoming Events Open House, Today @ 2:00 p.m. PTA Back to School Picnic, September 8, 6-8 pm Back to School Night: Sept. 18th Grades PreK-2 @ 6:30 p.m. Sept. 19th Grade 3-5 @ 6:30 p.m. Sept. 19th GT Information 5:45 p.m.
Deep Run’s Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Engaged Kind Responsible
Some of the Great Events at DRES
First Day Request First Day arrival and dismissal should not differ from daily arrival and dismissal for the year Bus procedures Car and Walker procedures First day--Kindergarten teachers will meet bus riders in the front of the building and paraeducators will meet car riders and walkers at the kindergarten back doors
General Information Watch for emails from DRES and HCPSS http://dres.hcpss.org Wednesday Folders
Join PTA Cultural Arts Events Family Fun Nights
Before and After School Programs Howard County Recreation and Parks Before and After Care Programs Various classes available through Rec and Parks and other vendors may include: sports, art, music, science, coding After school tutoring program for invited students
More PTA events Family FIT Night Holiday Shop
Meet New Families at the Back to School Picnic on September 8th
We Hope You Enjoy the Year! From, Deep Run Staff