Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Understanding Program Outcomes by Engineering Students in Outcome-Based Education Implementation Che Maznah Mat Isa, Janmaizatulriah Jani, Hamidah Mohd Saman, Wardah Tahir and Mazidah Mukri Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia 16-18 December 2017 Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Contents of Presentation Introduction Research objective Research methodology Results and Discussions Conclusions and recommendation FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Introduction Engineering education encompassing a broad spectrum of knowledge including the application of mathematical, physical and natural sciences, and a group of engineering knowledge and practices with stresses on technology, techniques and design FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Introduction (cont’d) OBE has been implemented at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam since 2006. To prepare engineers to be leaders and players in the development of a nation To be trained with various essential professional skills such as communication, leadership, team-working, life-long learning, to be perceptive to global trends, scenarios and contemporary issues in addition to inculcating them with humanities, ethics and professionalism. Follows the requirements of Washington Accord (WA) and International Engineering Alliance (IEA), 12 graduate attributes which are expected of graduates from an accredited engineering program. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Programme Outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to perform or attain by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviour that students acquire through the programme (EAC Manual 2017). FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Students of an engineering programme are expected to attain the following POs: (i) Engineering Knowledge - Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialisation respectively to the solution of complex engineering problems; (ii) Problem Analysis - Identify, formulate, conduct research literature and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences; (iii) Design/Development of Solutions - Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations; (iv) Investigation – Conduct investigation of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions; (v) Modern Tool Usage - Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations ; (vi) The Engineer and Society - Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems ; FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
(vii) Environment and Sustainability - Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solutions of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts. ; (viii) Ethics - Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice ; (ix) Individual and Team Work - Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings; (x) Communication - Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions; (xi) Project Management and Finance - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments; (xii) Life Long Learning - Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
MAIN LEARNING DOMAIN FOR EC220 COGNITIVE (HEAD) PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5 PO6, PO7, PO11 AFFECTIVE (HEART) P08, PO9, PO10, PO12 PSYCHOMOTOR (HAND) PO4 MAIN LEARNING DOMAIN FOR EC220 PROGRAMME OUTCOMES With good attributes and skills, our graduates are able to work in any field and adapt to any environment FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017 FCE UiTM Academic Workshop 1 2013/29 Jan.2013/wbt 8
Objective To present the findings on civil engineering students’ perceptions on their level of understanding on the twelve (12) Program Outcomes(POs) designed for the EC220 program at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UiTM Shah Alam. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Questionnaire Design & Measurement Questionnaire survey is divided into three (3) sections. Section A: Demographic profile of respondents - age, year of study, etc. Section B: Statements on OBE implementation. Section C : Statements of 12 POs in EC220. The measurement on statements adopts a 5-point Likert Scale (from number 1 (Strongly Disagree) to number 5 (Strongly Agree). FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Research Methodology Quantitative method - Questionnaire survey (Likert Scale) Respondents – 1069 students Interlinking courses related to final year courses (IDP and FYP) Descriptive analysis: Percentage Distribution and Mean Average A Chi-square test - difference between students’ understanding on POs and year of study Year Interlinking Courses No. of Students Integrated Design Project (IDP) 1 Engineering Appreciation & Drawing (ECM411) 80 Fluid Mechanics (ECW422) 105 2 Geotechniques (ECG553) 195 3 Reinforced Concrete Design (ECS559) 127 4 Integrated Design Project(ECC584) 54 Final Year Project (FYP) Soil Mechanics (ECG426) 110 Environmental Engineering & Sustainability (ECW445) 184 Engineering Hydrology (ECW557) Engineers in Society (ECC586) 109 Total Number of Respondents 1,069 FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Results & Discussion Section C: Criteria to measure understanding of students on Program Outcomes using 5-point Likert Scale based on their level of agreement Statement Descriptions Related to Program Outcomes 1 Definitions of Program Outcomes 2 Briefing on the Program Outcomes 3 Understanding about the Program Outcomes 4 Program Outcomes Statements of EC220 FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Statement 1: Definitions of Program Outcomes A majority of students (97%) agreed that they understood the definitions of program outcomes. Wide exposure from the Faculty in promoting the Program Outcomes at various strategic places Aware of the definitions and list of POs shown in each classroom. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Statement 2: Definitions of Program Outcomes A majority of students (96%) agreed that the briefing of the program outcomes was carried out by their respective lecturers at the beginning of the class every semester for each course. It is important for the lecturers to deliver the information on the program outcomes for the students to know about the outcomes they are expected to learn and achieve. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Statement 3: Understanding about Program Outcomes A majority of students (84%) agreed with the statement that they have a good level of understanding on POs. Aware about the program outcomes that are expected to be achieved while undergoing the learning sessions. Program outcomes were constantly being informed to the students by the lecturers before and after the learning session. Only about 16% revealed their lack of understanding on the POs. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Statement 4: Program Outcomes Statements A majority of the students (95.5%) agreed on 12 POs designed for EC220 program. 12 POs exhibited and promoted in classrooms helps to keep the students constantly aware on the expected Pos for each course. Indicates the successfulness of the approach done by the Faculty on explaining and educating the students about the PO in order to increase the students’ understanding on OBE implementation. Only a mere 4.5% were not aware of the 12 POs for courses in the program. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Mean Average - FYP A significant mean average of 3.0 and above for all statements by all students except for Statement 3 on their understanding about the Program Outcomes. Students from Year 3 revealed an average mean of 2.9 which indicates lacking of understanding of the Program Outcomes for EC220. This is in line with the earlier findings reported that about 16% of the students indicated their lack of understanding on the Program Outcomes. Final Year Project (FYP) students who were in Year 4 and students from Year 2 show higher mean average on the understanding of the PO statements as compared to the Year 1 student. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Mean Average (IDP) A significant mean average of more than 3.0 for all statements by all students regardless of year of study on their understanding about the Program Outcomes. T The mean average for all statements by Year 4 students are greater than the mean average for all statements for Year 1 students. This shows that the longer the students were exposed to the POs statement the higher their awareness and understanding about the POs. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Chi-square test – Difference between students’ understanding on PO and the year of study This test was carried to assess the characteristics on year of study that influence the students’ perception on the POs of EC220 program The chi-square statistic indicates that year of study is statistically significant as shown by the Pearson chi-square value of χ2 = 22.399, with p = 0.033. Therefore, the year of study is significant in assessing the level of students’ perception. This statistics support the findings that the longer the students were exposed to the POs, the higher their level of understanding about the POs. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017
Conclusions & Recommendations A majority of the students at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UiTM Shah Alam understood the definitions of 12 POs. They were well informed on the 12 POs based on briefing by lecturers at the beginning of the semester and during class sessions. Majority of them have good level of understanding on 12 PO and very much aware about the POs designed for EC220 program with a small percentage of the students who disagreed with the statements related to the 12 POs. Statistically evident that the longer the students were exposed to the POs the higher their level of awareness and understanding on the POs. Recommendation for further study to be carried out on students’ attainment of the 12POs. FICEER 2017 – FEIIC International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2017