WEBDAV Washington, DC IETF This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. WEBDAV Washington, DC IETF December 8-9, 1997
Agenda Monday, December 8: 15:30-17:30 (Congressional) DAV Searching and Locating (DASL) Mini-BOF (Saveen Reddy) WebDAV Document Status Issues Discussion Tuesday, December 9: 10:15-11:15 (Executive) Access Control (Howard Palmer, Paul Leach)
WebDAV Documents WebDAV Requirements DA Protocol ACL Requirements ACL Protocol Versioning Protocol Tree Protocol Scenarios
WebDAV Requirements Describes functional requirements for Web distributed authoring and versioning Authors: Judith Slein, Fabio Vitali, Jim Whitehead, David Durand Latest revision: draft-ietf-webdav-requirements-03 (9/97) Approved as an Informational RFC by the IESG Thanks go to Judith for her excellent work on the requirements! No further work needed at present
DA Protocol Specification Specifies extensions to the HTTP/1.1 protocol for Web distributed authoring Authors: Yaron Goland, Jim Whitehead, Asad Faizi, Steve Carter, Del Jensen Latest revision: draft-ietf-webdav-protocol-05 (11/97) On-track for a January working group last call Aiming for February submission to the IESG The working group has produced 4 drafts since Munich IETF in August This was only possible due to the hard work of WG members reviewing the drafts
DA Protocol Schedule Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 28 Feb. 2 New draft (-06) incorporating feedback from December IETF meeting Jan. 7 Start working group last call (a 3 week period) Jan. 28 End working group last call Feb. 2 New draft incorporating changes identified during the WG last call Call for consensus
ACL Requirements Describes requirements for access control for web authoring environments Author: Howard Palmer Latest revision: draft-ietf-webdav-acreq-00 (11/97) Continues earlier work by Jon Radoff on access control Discussion is still preliminary Needs further discussion to reach convergence of viewpoint Will be discussed in Tuesday session
ACL Protocol Provides a specification for how to perform access control via HTTP Authors: Paul Leach, Yaron Goland Latest revision: draft-ietf-webdav-acl-00 (11/97) WebDAV ACL issues are new and not well understood, and active participation from the WG is strongly encouraged Discussion of this draft should help firm up ACL requirements
Versioning Protocol A protocol document on how to perform remote versioning and variant authoring via HTTP A placeholder at the moment, since versioning was removed from the DA protocol draft Goal is to have a final document by June, 1998. There is a “V” in WebDAV :-)
Tree (recursive operations) Protocol Document Specifies the behavior of recursive move, copy, and delete. Author: Saveen Reddy Latest Draft: draft-ietf-webdav-depth-01 (11/97) This draft has been merged into the DA protocol draft No further work is needed on this document, it can be removed.
Scenarios Document Describes scenarios of usage of WebDAV applications Author: Ora Lassila Latest revision: draft-ietf-webdav-scenarios-00 (5/97) Needs active review to ensure the scenarios cover the requirements Any volunteers to help edit this document?
Ordered Collections Problem: protocol specification does not support ordering of collection members Ordered collections are useful for modeling compound documents and version ordering Proposed solution: Add support for ordered collections to the protocol specification Pro: Makes certain document management applications "substantially easier" to build on top of WebDAV Con: Difficult for filesystem-based servers to implement ordered collections Handling of multiple orderings is unknown
Ordered Collections: Proposals Two proposals for ordered collections: Single, server-maintained ordering: PROPFIND (INDEX) returns resources in order Specify resource to come after for ADDREF, DELREF, and PUT methods Server is responsible for consistency maintenance Multiple, client-maintained orderings: Orderings are stored in a “order” property Can have more than one ordering Client is responsible for consistency maintenance Works with existing methods, only need to define a new property
Ordered Collections: Creation Problem: How is the initial state of a compound document created? Proposed solution: Specify the behavior of submitting a MIME multipart/related message with MKCOL (or PUT). Pro: Uses existing standard container package Con: Needed at all? Can create a collection, lock it, then PUT individual members.
Security What is the appropriate level of security for WebDAV? Authentication: WebDAV requires some form of authentication for locks to work WebDAV will specify a mandatory authentication scheme Encrypted connection: Is WebDAV operation over an encrypted connection necessary? Encrypted body only? What should WebDAV specify about this kind of operation? TLS, SHTTP (S/MIME?) are possibilities
Issue: Recursive PROPFIND, Remove INDEX Problem: Set of properties returned by INDEX is arbitrary Results in a large amount of data transfer for large collections. Proposed Solution: Make PROPFIND work recursively, allowing retrieval of client-specified sets of properties. This makes PROPFIND, in essence, a customizable INDEX. Remove the INDEX method since it is now redundant.
Remove PATCH method Problem: Solution: Existing PATCH method uses an XML-based difference format. New difference formats have been proposed (DRP gdiff) which have better qualities (smaller differences) gdiff is not yet ready to be referenced by an IETF proposed standard PUT with byteranges in HTTP/1.1? Solution: Remove PATCH to a separate draft, and advance once gdiff is ready.