Weeds By Mika Lytle and Collin Dinkins NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Clover Scientific name- Trifolium Clover or trefoil are common names for plants of the genus Trifolium (Latin, tres "three" + folium "leaf"), consisting of about 300 species of plants in the leguminous pea family Fabaceae. Possible herbicide selections for pre-emergent clover control include isoxaben, napropamide, oxadiazon, oryzalin, pendimethalin and pronamide. Postemergent herbicides that offer clover control include clopyralid, dicamba, glyphosate, mecoprop, and quinclorac. Not a complete plant
Dandelion Scientific name- Taraxacum officinale The species of Taraxacum are tap-rooted, perennial, herbaceous plants, native to temperate areas. Crabgrass preventers (Pre-emergent herbicides) applied in the spring before weed seeds germinate will also help to reduce the amount of dandelion weed seedlings that germinate and grow in lawns. Post-emergent herbicide: Horticultural vinegar (20% acetic acid) can be used to spot spray dandelions. Complete plant
Crabgrass Scientific name- Digitaria This grass is a summer annual about 1-3' long. It develops several branching culms at the base; the lower branches of the culms tend to sprawl across the ground, while their upper branches are more erect. The culms are light green, terete, and glabrous, although they are mostly covered by the sheaths. They are dull light green, entire or slightly curly along the margins, and often hairy toward the base. The sheaths are light green, finely ribbed, shiny or dull, and hairy. Pendimethylin “Pendi” is a common crabgrass pre-emergent used in lawn and turf solutions. The consensus seems to be that Drive XLR8 is the best crabgrass killer among the post-emergent herbicides Not a complete plant
Ryegrass Scientific name- Lolium Ryegrass is a bunchgrass which grows from 1 to 2 feet tall, and has medium longevity. There are numerous long, narrow, stiff leaves near the base of the plant. The under surfaces of leaves are bright, glossy, and smooth. Inflorescence stems are nearly naked. Seed heads are spikes with spikelets growing edgewise to the seed head stem. Sakura and Sakura mixtures provided the highest level of control as a pre- emergent herbicide. Finesse Grass and Broadleaf (Glean + Everest (flucarbazone-sodium)) will work better on emerged ryegrass. Not a complete plant
Fleabane Scientific name- Erigeron The radially symmetrical flowering structure is characterized by a wide, bright yellow, central disk that is surrounded by short, petal-like, white rays. These rays are short compared to the width of the central disk and are supported underneath by green sepals of equal length. Managing fleabane may require a two-pronged approach that involves removing weeds by hand in addition to application of herbicides. Using both pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides attacks the plant at different stages of growth. Read the product label to be sure the herbicide is effective against fleabane. Unfortunately, this stubborn plant is resistant to many herbicides, including products containing Glyphosate (like Round-up). Complete plant
Knotgrass Scientific name- Polygonum Alternate, hairless, short-stalked. Stem leaves longer than those of the respective branches. Blade narrows with end rounded to tapering tip. Stipules fused into a stem-enclosing, membranous sheath that is fibrous and silvery. Pre-emergent herbicide- Barricadepre emergent Post-emergent herbicide- Super Trimec Not a complete plant
Bermudagrass Scientific name- Cynodon dactylon Bermudagrass is a highly variable, sod forming perennial that spreads by stolons, rhizomes and seed. Stolons of bermudagrass readily root at the nodes. Lateral buds develop at the nodes to produce erect or ascending stems that reach 5 to 40 cm in height. Pre-emergent herbicide- Karmex Post-emergent herbicide- Glyphosate Not a complete plant
Bluegrass Scientific name- Poa annua Annual bluegrass grows 6 to 8 inches high when left unmowed. It has light green flattened stems that are bent at the base and often rooted at the lower stem joint. Leaf blades are often crinkled part way down and vary from 1 to 3 inches long with typical Poa boat-shaped leaf tips. Pre-emergent herbicides- Pendimethalin Post-emergent herbicides- Clethodim Not a complete plant
Dallisgrass Scientific name- Paspalum A clump-forming perennial with a tall membranous ligule and a seedhead with many finger-like branches. Pre-emergent herbicide- Prodiamine Post-emergent herbicide- Foramsulfuron Not a complete plant
Quackgrass Scientific name- Elymus repens Quackgrass is a reeping, sod-forming perennial grass, characterized by its straw-colored, sharp-tipped rhizomes (horizontal underground stems) and the pair of whitish-green, claw-like structures (auricles) that clasp the stem at the top of the sheath. Pre-emergent herbicide- Fusilade Post-emergent herbicide- Butyrac Not a complete plant