Competitor Information Event Contact: Christian Ball 0414602548 RallySafe Competitor Information Event Contact: Christian Ball 0414602548
Unit Installation - Setting Car Number Connect all aerial leads as marked and tighten carefully. The lead marked with a yellow band and or "IRI" is Left Hand Thread. Connect power to unit and wait for it to lock onto satellites. It will then go to the "Confirm Car Number" screen as shown. Press “CHANGE” to set the car number. “UP / DOWN” to change the numbers. If the car number is changed, the time zone can be set. This adjusts in 15 minute increments. “OK” to return to the car number setup and “OK” to start operation. Note: the car number can only be set on the first start-up at the start of the event.
Manual Mode Screen - Transit/Transport The Unit will then show the "Manual Mode" Screen as shown. You can then transit or transport to your starting position using the RallySafe® unit as an odometer/ rally computer, with the cumulative and intermediate distances shown on the middle line of the unit. Use the middle two buttons to increase or decrease screen brightness; use the right hand button to reset the intermediate distances as you need to. If you pull up or stop during your transport, and you are NOT at the start line of your next stage, do NOT press the "At Start?" pre start button on the left.
Start Control Rallysafe ON Paddle When you are the first car at the stage Start Control, you will be shown the Rallysafe ON sign as shown to the right. This is your signal to press the “At Start” button as shown on the next screen. Do not do this until you have been shown this paddle!
Manual Mode Screen - Stage Start If you ARE at the start line of your stage, press the "At Start?" pre start button circled in green. The unit will then show the “Ready To Start” screen.
Ready To Start Screen - Stage Selection Select the stage number with the “UP / DOWN” buttons. NOTE: the stage automatically increments through the event, but needs to be checked in case of a stage being missed/dropped. If the “AT START” was pressed by accident, press the CANCEL START button. NOTE: if a start is detected while the “STAGE SELECTION” screen is showing the unit will go onto stage.
On Stage Screen - Countdown (if used) NOTE: Only if manual countdown starts are used. “CONFIRM” will start a countdown to start. The required start time will be displayed and there will be a countdown to the start. The start time will be the next minute. (if pressed within 10 seconds of the next minute it will select the following minute)
On Stage Screen - Take off As you take off, the RallySafe® unit will start tracking and timing automatically.
On Stage Screen - Push to Pass (if used) If PASS is “Enabled”, the "push to pass" feature will allow you to send a passing signal by using the left button shown. Only transmits for 10 seconds, press again if needed. If “PASS Disabled” is shown on the unit, this feature cannot be used.
Push to Pass – Screens (10 seconds only) Transmitting car Receiving car
Slow Vehicle - Screens Transmitting car Receiving car
Transmitting Hazard - Actions Required If you drop below race speed, this screen will be displayed. If you are stopped for any reason and are OK, press the "OK" button or resume race speed and screen will revert back to "On Stage". If you or any other competitors, officials and spectators (e.g. from a crash, medical emergency or other incident) require IMMEDIATE aid, press the "SOS" button, continue with any additional event safety procedures and render assistance. Do not use middle buttons, as these are for stage complete.
Transmitting SOS - Fire or Medical??? If you have commenced transmitting an SOS message, use the Fire or Medical buttons to confirm the nature of the SOS as quickly as possible. If OK, or not requiring immediate attention, press the OK or HAZ selection buttons as appropriate – as quickly as possible! It is critical that the nature of your SOS is communicated quickly for the appropriate aid to be dispatched, or cancelled in the case where attention is not required.
SOS Transmitting Screens Transmitting car Receiving car
Hazard Transmitting Screens
OK Transmitting Screens
Stop Control Rallysafe OFF Paddle When you reach Stop Control, you will be shown the “Rallysafe OFF” paddle as shown to the right. When you see this, follow the instructions on the next screen to complete the stage, and stop the unit from transmitting a hazard. This involves pressing the 2 centre buttons simultaneously.
End of Stage - Action Required If you have completed the stage, and are about to start transit to next stage or have finished event, press both middle buttons. It is very important that this is done quickly and carefully. Do not to press the SOS button by accident. NOTE: If Beacons are used for the stage finish, this will occur automatically and not require buttons to be pressed.
Manual Mode Screen - Transit/Transport After completing a stage, the unit display will return to the Manual Mode Screen. You can then transit or transport to your starting position using the RallySafe® unit as an odometer/rally computer, with the cumulative and intermediate distances shown on the middle line of the unit. Use the middle two buttons to increase or decrease screen brightness; use the right hand button to reset the intermediate distances as you need to. If you pull up or stop during your transport, and you are NOT at the start line of your next stage, do NOT press the "At Start?" pre start button on the left.
Transport Caution and Up Grade If you are in transport you are being monitored. BUT no cautions will appear on when stopped you can force a Caution by hold these Buttons Hold Firm AND may need to be pushed again. May not say at start pend on how far travelled. You may mash buttons when in caution and go back to screen or similar while on stage you can do this and it will take you to at start then back to caution and repeat process as previously stated.
Christian Ball Says Be Safe Rally Safe Thanks for your time please feel free to come ask me any question on the mode we are running. Christian Ball Says Be Safe Rally Safe