Senior English 9/11/17 What does it take to have a good conversation with someone you don’t know well? How do you learn from people that are not teachers?


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 9/11/17 What does it take to have a good conversation with someone you don’t know well? How do you learn from people that are not teachers? What should the inventor of “Knock, Knock” jokes win? MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. A concept in nuclear planning. Goals – Annotate Attitudes for a good conversation. Work on observation and questioning technique. Homework – Complete annotation any of last week’s Daily work. Five minutes of vocab #2 study. The no-bell prize.

Senior English 9/12/17 What challenges do you face to successfully complete your Personal Essay? How does NASA organize a party? OAO – One and Only. Used in the naval Academy to refer to one’s sweetheart. Goals – Complete QFT. Story time – How I got into the Peace Corps. Start thinking about some of the things you have learned in life and how you learned them. Homework – Free write/brainstorm stories from your life that taught you lessons that may help you deal with the future. Five minutes of vocab. They planet.

Senior English 9/13/17 Do you know of any tricks to make your writing more interesting? What is your strategy for starting writing tasks? Why are frogs never upset? SAPFU – Surpassing All Previous Foul Ups Goals – Discuss ways to make writing interesting. Examine sample essays for ideas about topics and techniques. Homework –Write an descriptive passage about yourself or a verbal “selfie.” Use Sensory detail. Five minutes of vocab. They eat everything that bugs them.

Senior English 9/14/17 Make a list of any memories from your life. Start with your earliest memory. How do you make friends with a squirrel? SUSFU – Situation Unchanged Still Fouled up Goals – Read a sample essay. Start thinking about possible subjects for your personal essay. Homework – Do some writing discussing how you plan to deal with future challenges. Don’t forget to study for vocab.2 quiz tomorrow. Climb a tree and act like a nut.

Senior English 9/15/17 Five minutes to review for the vocab. 2 quiz. What is the difference between bird flu and swine flu? SWAG – Scientific Wild A**ed Guess Goals – Complete vocab. 2 study. Examine new words and definition for vocab 3. Begin study for vocab 3. Homework – Five minutes of vocab 3 study for Saturday and Sunday. For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need oinkment.