Application Support Services WG Wireless WG SOIS Area Report - Current Working Groups Application Support Services WG Wireless WG Subnetwork Services WG (Inactive) The SOIS area covers onboard communication services with the intention of standardising H/W and S/W interfaces between avionics elements & devices. Wireless activities cover intra-spacecraft communication, AIV and RFID A considerable part of our work is outside of the CCSDS where we perform a harmonising role for avionics related development 2 2 2
SOIS Area Report B. Meeting Demographics Wireless App Supt Svcs ASI CNES CNSA 1 CSA DLR ESA 2 5 INPE JAXA NASA 3 4 RFSA UKSA Other* TOTAL 7 12 Meeting Duration 3.5 Agency Diversity
SOIS Area Report Application Support Services Working Group Status: OK Goal: Develop SOIS Application support layer services and if appropriate protocols Working Group Status File & Packet Store Services Magenta Book published September 2012 Green Book Issue 2 with Secretariat for publishing Device Data Pooling & Message Transfer Services Magenta Books CESG Poll RIDs dispositions agreed & updated book with Secretariat for publishing Device Access Service Magenta Book with Secretariat for CESG Poll to publish Device Virtualisation & Device Enumeration Services Red Books with Secretariat for 1st Agency Review Progressing Electronic Data Sheets Red Book & associated XML Schema Progressing Common Dictionary of Terms Red Book & associated ontology Status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM Comment: Finalizing number of books. New books progressing to plan 4 4 4
SOIS Area Report Application Support Services WG (cont.) Progress All 1st set of SOIS APP service specifications are either published or with Secretariat for publishing or for Agency review process The specifications are compatible with several existing architectures (ESA, NASA, AFRL) After WG analysis the use of electronic data sheets and associated schema to define device interfaces, has been assessed as providing great benefits not just within SOIS but in a much wider context (data driven interfaces, spacecraft data base import, auto testing etc). Rationalised how functional interface information will flow through mission and spacecraft development process, how to represent these different uses (“onion diagram”) and how EDS structure will cope with this breadth of usage. Initial focus will be on EDS for onboard devices & for onboard software bus components Defining standard functional interfaces remains out of scope of SOIS as this is better left to external groups Explored how SUMO, NASA-JSC and NASA-GRC can contribute to this process, e.g. US industry outreach, example real-world ICD transformations to EDS Planning Publish remaining Green and Magenta Books Continue fortnightly telecons Produce first cut EDS XML Schema for Spring 2013 meeting Extend Common DoT taxonomy with common terms for examined ICDs for Spring 2013 meeting Consolidate interface with SUMO group (if any) – meetings planned for next week 5 5 5
SOIS Area Report Activity Milestone Planned end date Application Support Services WG Near Term Planning Activity Milestone Planned end date Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices Blue book Draft 1 - Spring 2013 Blue book End 2014 Electronic Data Sheets XML Schema SANA XML End 2014 Common Dictionary of Terms for Onboard Devices Blue book Common Dictionary of Terms Taxonomy SANA End 2014 6 6 6
SOIS Area Report Wireless WG Goal: Develop wireless recommendations for onboard space applications Working Group Status: RFID-Based Inventory Management Systems Magenta Book Published Low data-rate wireless communications for spacecraft monitoring and control Magenta book ready to submit to CEGS for Agency review The SSIART (joint test-bench) MOU under signature process status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: On schedule Progress Several use cases identified which require high-speed wireless connectivity (ISS comms and multimedia support, ESA standard telcom platform AIT) - in general data transfer requirements increasing for all existing use cases Planning for symposium on wireless technologies to be held in North America in September 2012 Planning Update Green book to cover High rate use cases and technology evaluation Development of magenta book covering high-rate wireless technology (on completion of green book) Continue with the definition and usage of the SSIART Continue fortnightly telecons 7
SOIS Area Report Activity Milestone Planned end date Wireless WG (continued) Near Term Planning Activity Milestone Planned end date Wireless Green Book issue 2 Draft 1 - end 2012 May 2013 Low rate Wireless Magenta Issue 1 - end 2012 October 2012 High rate Wireless Magenta Imitate work May 2014 8 8 8
SOIS WGs Telecon Usage SOIS WG Input Wireless WG APP WG The Wireless WG has had regular telecons since its inception. This is on average every two week. This will be continued. APP WG The Application Support Services WG hold regular telecons on average every 2 weeks. This will be continued.
SOIS Area Report: Summary APP WG FPSS published Green Book Issue 2 under publication DDPS and MTS under publication DAS ready for CESG poll for publication DVS, DES ready for CESG poll for agency review Electronic data sheets work continuing Wireless WG RFID Magenta under publication Low rate wireless Magenta book ready for Agency review export and ITAR clearance for test-bed cooperation under signature Green book issue 2 covering high rate wireless initiated Comment: The SOIS area has solid funding for this year and intentions are good for the future. ESA has a tight travel budget and this is unlikely to change. Fortunately, we are well supported by independent Agency activities and this allows significant work to progress between CCSDS meetings. 10 10 10