MUS364 Collaborative and Contextual Practice Keeley coppard
What is Collaboration? Huxham & Vangen (2005:3) answer all the "What? Why's? How's? and Why Not's" in their book 'Managing to Collaborate; The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Advantage' and take a unique approach to their terminology, as seen below. Huxham & Vangen (2005) go on to discuss the actual purpose of Collaboration itself and they distinguish between the idea of an 'Advancement of Shared Vision' and the 'Delivery of a Short Term Projects'. For this particular instance, the idea of a Short Term Project can relate back to my own Collaboration. Both Author's then go on to emphasize several reasons why one might find themselves collaborating in the first place E.G, Access to Resource, Efficiency, Shared Risk and the idea of The Moral Imperative. My own personal reasoning behind this particular Project is not only to aid from an academic point of view, but it also offers me the chance to gain sufficient insight into my chosen career path as a Music Therapist Practitioner. Additionally Huxham & Vangen (2005) bought to the attention the idea of a 'Collaborative Relationship' and this is something that I deem to be of great importance in regards to My own Project. The Music Therapy sessions held will obviously be aimed towards the clients so it is therefore imperative that the professional relationship between both myself and my collaborator (David Hacker) is at the forefront of its importance. Any issues or disruptions would not only be of a concern from an academic point of view, but consequently have an affect on the clients themselves. Huxham, C. & Vangen, S. (2005) Managing to Collaborate; The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Advantage. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. Katz, J. S. & Martin, B. R. (1997) 'What is Research Collaboration?'. Research Policy 26. Pp. 1-18. [accessed 15 November 2016]
My Collaboration/Creative Project Collaborator; David Hacker, Practicing Music Therapist Works with the Mentally and Physically disabled. Prior to this particular project I’ve been able to observe a number of his sessions at Torbridge High School, both in group sessions and a more one to one setting. The Creative Project Itself.. The overall aim is to set aside and take part in a number of Music Therapy sessions with David, at Torbridge High within ‘The Sound House’ Grounds. David will act as the Primary Therapist whilst I will take up the role of Secondary Music Therapist. As a Violinist I will musically offer and present a different approach to the sessions, yet still combine this with the more traditional percussive approach. I will also act as the Dance Movement Therapist, allowing me to merge the two therapies together. ‘The Sound House’
Research/Theories/Approaches to Music Therapy There are several different Approaches and Models that are used in Music Therapy. Scovel & Gardstrom (2012) points out that there are six major models used within the treatment of individuals with mental disorders, these being Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Humanistic/Existential, Biomedical, Behavioural, and Holistic. From my research I have found that the Psychodynamic Model Of Music Therapy can be seen as the most widely used in a therapeutic clinical setting. Its aim is to bring the repressed unconscious mind where so many problems can manifest, into the individual’s awareness and conscious state through experimental improvisation. Therefore, I will use this particular Model and Approach in my Collaboration with a strong emphasis on Improvisation and an aspect of Dance Movement Therapy. Scovel, M. & Gardstrom, S. (2012) ‘Music Therapy within the Context of Psychotherapeutic Models’ Music Faculty Publications. Paper 8. Accessed [December 1 2016]
Problems/Particular Success? Issues; It may prove difficult to introduce these new aspects into the sessions due to the familiarity and routine that the clients have already had with David. However, some retrospective groups may react differently to these approaches; E.G (the group of younger children may become more adaptable to the aspect of Dance Movement Therapy rather than the adults. The Clients may not react well to having a camera around which for me, could consequently result in a lack of evidence. For my Collaborator, time may well need to be spent with his Wife due to her Life Long, ill health. For me, this would mean I would have to be prepared to re-arrange and work around Hospital Appointments or necessary visits etc. Particular Success; The clients themselves at Torbridge High School seems to of adapted well to having a ‘new face’ around. This being a huge factor in the project overall as there needs to be a sense of trust which needs to be gained between the Therapist and Client.
Future Plans November I intend to observe at least one Music Therapy session at Torbridge High School, this allows me to gain insight into how the sessions are run and will also give me a feel of a Clinical, Work-based setting. December I intend to collaborate with David in at least two or more music therapy sessions with the overall Aims and Objectives in mind whilst I create, reflect and evaluate in regards to my Blog. I will also be creating a number of ‘Lesson Plans’ throughout this particular month which will therefore, allow me to reflect on the Collaboration itself. This also allows me to offer opinions and ideas that I think could further enhance, future Therapy sessions. January I intend to construct my Critical Evaluation, basing this on the entire journey of the MUS 364 Collaborative and Contextual Practice module.
References Huxham, C. & Vangen, S. (2005) Managing to Collaborate; The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Advantage. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. Katz, J. S. & Martin, B. R. (1997) 'What is Research Collaboration?'. Research Policy 26. Pp. 1- 18. [accessed 15 November 2016] Scovel, M. & Gardstrom, S. (2012) ‘Music Therapy within the Context of Psychotherapeutic Models’ Music Faculty Publications. Paper 8. [accessed 1 December 2016]