The Goal of NCLB “…to ensure that all children reach proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments no later than the 2013 - 2014 school year.”
System Objectives: 1. Assist schools and districts identified by State Accountability systems to improve student achievement in identified areas. 2. Build their capacity to sustain organizational performance through ongoing, data-driven planning and implementation.
System Clients Districts in Need of Improvement (Total ROS – 40) 1. Title I - Schools in Need of Improvement (Year 1): These schools are subject to public school choice provision under NCLB. (Total ROS - 68) 2. Title I - Schools in Need of Improvement (Year 2): These schools are subject to public school choice and the provisions of supplemental education services under NCLB. (Total ROS - 51) 3. Schools in Corrective Action: These schools are subject to corrective action plans under NCLB. (Total ROS - 27) 4. Schools Planning for Restructuring: These schools are subject to restructuring plans under NCLB. (Total ROS - 11) 5. Schools in Restructuring (Total ROS - 14) 6. Schools Requiring Academic Progress: These schools are subject to school improvement planning requirements under State regulation. (Total ROS - 91) 7. Schools Under Registration Review (SURR): These schools are farthest from State standard and most in need of improvement. (Total ROS - 17) Districts in Need of Improvement (Total ROS – 40) Districts In Need of Academic Progress (DNAP) (Total ROS - 5) “Focus” High Schools (Total ROS – 27)
Clients by Region (2004 - 5) East SEVEN REGIONS Hudson Valley Mid-West East West Hudson Valley Mid-State Lower Hudson Valley Lower Hudson Valley Mid-State Mid-State East East West West Mid-West Mid-West Long Island Long Island Long Island NYC NYC
Western Region SINI (1) 31 SINI (2) 10 SRAP 12 CA 9 PFR 4 RST 3 SURRs 11 DINI 4 DNAP 0 “Focus” HS 7
Mid-West Region SINI (1) 14 SINI (2) 9 SRAP 6 CA 4 PFR 2 RST 3 SURRs 1 DINI 4 DNAP 0 “Focus” HS 5
Mid-State Region SINI (1) 20 SINI (2) 7 SRAP 18 CA 3 PFR 1 RST 3 SURRs 1 DINI 7 DNAP 1 “Focus” HS 4
Eastern Region SINI (1) 7 SINI (2) 5 SRAP 11 CA 2 PFR 0 RST 0 SURRs 0 DINI 6 DNAP 1 “Focus” HS 1
Hudson Valley Region SINI (1) 15 SINI (2) 10 SRAP 29 CA 6 PFR 2 RST 3 SURRs 1 DINI 11 DNAP 3 “Focus” HS 5
Long Island Region SINI (1) 12 SINI (2) 9 SRAP 15 CA 3 PFR 1 RST 2 SURRs 3 DINI 7 DNAP 0 “Focus” HS 5
System Components State Level Regional Level District Level School Level
System Components Regional Level: RSSC SSS BETAC RAEN SETRC/SIG Transition Coordinators BOCES (DSs, SCDN) Teacher Centers Other Partners
An Illustration Review State identified School/District Support Matrix (Draft 6) - 2/05
System Design Issues - #2 Building a Continuum of Support for School Improvement Regents Paper (12/04) - “Strategy to Implement the Regents Policy Statement on Middle Level Education” “Elephants, Ants, and No See Ums”
School Improvement Activity Continuum of School Improvement Activity High Need Lower Need Elephants Targeted SINIs/DINIs Ants SINIs - not targeted NoSeeUms Schools trending downward # = 141 # = 171 # variable Served by RSSCs Served by ????
Alignment and Coherence Need to reach alignment within and between levels of the system regarding roles and expectations Need to reach internal coherence at every level of the system (State, regional, district, school) regarding our purposes, assumptions, strategies and activities
Conceptual Framework EMSC VESID BOCES USNY District Purpose Assumptions Strategies Activities Roles USNY Internal Coherence EMSC VESID BOCES Purpose Assumptions Strategies Activities Roles SSSN Internal Coherence SETRC BETAC RSSC Others (Regional Collaborations) Purpose Assumptions Strategies Activities Roles Internal Coherence District = relationship School September 2004