RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 RAD-IT Tool Training Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation PLANNING Module 3 This training is designed for transportation professionals who want to understand how to use RAD-IT tool to create the regional and project architectures. The training discusses how to use RAD-IT tool and provides a basic overview of this tools that has been developed to support ARC-IT use.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Planning Tab in RAD-IT Tool Explain the key features of the Planning Tab Be able to modify information on the Planning Tab In this Module, we will review the RAD-IT planning tab and begin to use it. At the end of this Module, you will be able to: Explain how to access the Planning Tab in RAD-IT tool Explain the key features of the Planning Tab Be able to modify information on the Planning Tab This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Planning Objectives/ Strategies in RAD-IT RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Planning Objectives/ Strategies in RAD-IT Planning objectives and strategies can be entered into RAD-IT. They serve as a foundation for an ITS architecture and also provide a direct link between the architecture and the transportation planning process. Image Description: The diagram, introduced in the previous Module, showing the relationships between architecture components is shown with the Planning box highlighted.
Architecture Link to Planning Process RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Architecture Link to Planning Process Transportation Planning ITS Architecture Regional Vision & Goals Alternate Improvement Strategies Capital Operations ITS Services Projects There is a relationship between the transportation planning process and a region’s ITS architecture. Specifically the ITS operational objectives and strategies & related performance measures are related to ITS services and projects of an ITS architecture. Let’s look at what ITS services are. Image Description: On the left, a box labeled Transportation Planning contains the diagram of the first two steps of the planning process diagram. A dual arrow connects the transportation planning box to a box on the right labeled ITS Architecture that contains two boxes, labeled ITS Services and Projects.
Architecture Link to Planning Process Example RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Architecture Link to Planning Process Example Transportation Planning Goal: Provide an Efficient, Reliable Transportation System. Objective: Reduce the mean duration of incidents (response & clearance time) by 20 percent in 5 years. Strategy: Provide traveler information on incidents Performance Measure: Mean duration of incidents ITS Architecture ITS Services: Broadcast Traveler Information (ATIS01) Interactive Traveler Information (ATIS02) Traffic Information Dissemination (ATMS06) Projects: State 511 System Expansion Agency Traveler Information Website Upgrade Portable DMS Acquisition Here is an example of how the transportation planning process is related to an ITS architecture. In our example of a region with a strategy to provide traveler information on incidents to help meet an objective to reduce the mean duration of incidents (response & clearance time) by 20 percent in 5 years, the related ITS services, as defined in their regional architecture, include Broadcast Traveler Information (ATIS01), Interactive Traveler Information (ATIS02) and Traffic Information Dissemination (ATMS06). To deploy these services, projects have been defined including: State 511 System Expansion, Agency Traveler Information Website Upgrade and Portable DMS Acquisition. Now let’s look at how the linkage of an architecture with Planning is entered in RAD-IT. Image Description: On the left is a box labeled Transportation Planning that contains the goal, objective, strategy and performance measure. A dual arrow connects it with a box on the right labeled ITS Architecture that includes lists of ITS services and projects.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Planning Tab The planning information is entered on the second tab of RAD-IT which is Planning. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Planning tab.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Planning Tab (cont.) Two levels of planning goals Titles of levels can be customized The planning linkage is entered on the Planning tab in RAD-IT. In RAD-IT, you can enter up to two levels of planning goals. By default the two levels are titled Objectives and Strategies (and we will use these terms generically throughout the rest of the course to refer to the two levels). If desired, these titles can be changed by selecting the Customize button. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Planning tab is shown with large arrows pointing to the list of Objectives and Strategies and the Customize button. New Delete
Customizing Levels of Planning Goals RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Customizing Levels of Planning Goals Select # of levels Provide titles of levels Selecting the Customize button opens the Planning Tab Options window. In this window you can select to have one or two levels of planning goals. You provide the titles to be used for each level. For each level, you need to provide the singular and plural terms to be used as the title. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT Planning Tab Options window is shown with large arrows pointing to the Levels selector and the Terminology entry boxes.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Planning Tab (cont.) If lower level, supported objective Level Name Number Description Source Following the RAD-IT convention, for the selected (i.e. highlighted) item in the list on the left, its attributes are given and can be edited on the right side. (Click to display arrow and text.) The level can be assigned using the Type pull down menu. (Click to display arrow and text.) For a lower level strategy, the objective that it supports can be selected from the Supports pull down menu. (Click to display arrow and text.) For each objective or strategy, you enter its name. (Click to display arrow and text.) If desired, you can enter a number for it which will be used for sorting. You may use a hierarchical numbering scheme. (Click to display arrow and text.) You may enter a description for the objective or strategy. (Click to display arrow and text.) You can identify the source of the objective or strategy. To enter a source, you just type in the box. (Click to display arrow and text.) You can also identify the performance measures related to the objective or strategy. To enter a performance measure, you select the Edit button (which be an Add button until a performance measure is added.) Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Planning tab is shown with arrows pointing to the Type and Supports pull down menus, the Number, Name, Description and Source fields and the Performance Measures selection pane. Performance Measures Service Packages Projects
Planning Tab -Entering Performance Measures RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Planning Tab -Entering Performance Measures To access performance measures pane, select the Edit button on the right side of the Planning Tab. To add a performance measure you begin typing in the Performance Measure box. If you desire, you can assign categories and/or numbers to the performance measures but it is not required. The columns for category and number and be shown or not by using the toggle button at the top of the window. You may enter as many performance measures as desired while in the Performance Measures window. The Include checkboxes are used to associate each performance measure with the objective/strategy shown in the menu bar at the top of the form. When you apply your changes, the performance measures and “include” associations are copied from the performance measures form back to the Planning Tab. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT Performance Measures window is shown. Upon a click, a screen capture of the window is shown with the pull down menu activated.
Planning Tab – Service Package Search RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Planning Tab – Service Package Search When a service package search is made, the related service packages are listed in the Results pane. For the search for the text “work zone”, Five related service packages were identified. You can select the desired service packages directly in the Service Package Search window then Apply the change. Once done, you select the Close button to close the window and return to the Planning tab. Image Description: The screen capture of the RAD-IT Service Package search window is shown with five service packages listed in the results pane.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Knowledge Check To link an architecture to transportation planning, how many levels of planning goals can be entered into RAD-IT? Time for a knowledge check. To link an architecture to transportation planning, how many levels of planning goals be entered into RAD-IT?
Knowledge Check - Answer RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Knowledge Check - Answer Up to two The correct answer is up to two levels, so one or two. By default the levels are titled objectives and strategies but the titles can be customized as desired.
Relationship of Planning to Other Architecture Components RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Relationship of Planning to Other Architecture Components ITS services, which will be covered in detail in Module 6, can be used to help meet the transportation objectives and strategies of a region. Entering the planning objectives and strategies on the Planning tab of RAD-IT allows the ITS services that will be used to address them to be identified. Also, it connects the architecture directly with the transportation planning process thereby, promoting its use for ITS planning. Image Description: The diagram of the relationships of architecture components is shown with the Planning Objectives/Strategies box highlighted and an orange arrow points from it to the box labeled Services. The rest of the diagram is grayed out.
Output - Planning Table RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Output - Planning Table From output tool bar you are able to produce outputs for a completed or partially defined Regional or Project Architecture. To view the Planning output for an architecture, you select “Output” then “tables” from the tool bar at the top of the RAD-IT window. This opens the output table window. You can traverse through the categories to find the planning report under Stakeholder Topics. Image Description: An image of the RAD-IT Output tool bar, with tables highlighted, is shown. A large arrow from the highlighted table selection points to a screen capture of a RAD-IT table dialog box.
Output - Planning Table (cont.) RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Output - Planning Table (cont.) In the 2nd area select from the Available Columns which will vary depending on the table selected in the first step. Use the right arrow to select individual columns to include (they will then move to the Selected Columns area). You can also use the double left arrow to include all the columns. To view the table, you select the “Open Application” button in the Output Tables window. The table opens in a new window from which you can view, print & save the table. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Output Tables dialog box is shown, with a box around the “Open Application” Check Box. A large arrow points from the Open Application Check Box to a screen capture of the preview of a Planning Report table.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit Architecture = Marinara County (Regional) Time for an exercise. The exercise will use the same database and architecture that was begun in the previous exercise. If you need the database, click on the screen where indicted to download it. If it is not already open, open the marinaraforexercises database in RAD-IT. Select the Marinara County regional architecture. Before completing the exercise, let’s look at the facts and objective of the exercise. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise - Facts In the update to the Marinara County Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a goal was added for the alerting of travelers of travel weather impacts via the TOMATO Traveler Information System During the update to the Marinara County Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a goal was added for the alerting of travelers of travel weather impacts via the TOMATO Traveler Information System. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise - Objective Add the Marinara transportation objective regarding the dissemination of travel weather impacts Identify service packages that can be used to address the objective Enter strategies to be used to meet objective In this exercise, we will add the Marinara transportation objective regarding the dissemination of travel weather impacts. Then we will identify service packages that can be used to address the objective. Finally, we will enter two strategies to be used to meet the objective. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise - Steps Add new objective 6.1: “Within the next 3 years alert travelers of travel weather impacts using the TOMATO Traveler Information System within 5 minutes of confirmation of an event.” Now, complete these steps to perform the exercise. Add a new planning objective with: Number = 6.1 Name = Within the next 3 years alert travelers of travel weather impacts using the TOMATO Traveler Information System within 5 minutes of confirmation of an event. Description = {blank} (Attributes continued on the following slide.) Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) For objective 6.1: Source = Marinara County LRTP Performance Measure = Time from confirmation of weather event to posting of traveler information on TOMATO System For the new objective 6.1: Source = Marinara County LRTP Performance Measure = Time from confirmation of weather event to posting of traveler information on TOMATO System Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) Use service package search for those including text “weather information” For Objective 6.1, Service Packages = three service packages identified from the search Project = TOMATO To identify the service packages related to objective 6.1, perform a service package search for the text “weather information”. Note the service packages identified. For objective 6.1: Service Packages = three service packages identified from the search Project = TOMATO Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) Add new strategy 6.1.1 (that supports Objective 6.1) “Collect and process road weather data” Now, add a new strategy that supports Objective 6.1 with: Number = 6.1.1 Name = Collect and process road weather data. Leave all other attributes blank. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) Add new strategy 6.1.2 (that supports Objective 6.1) “Disseminate travel weather impact alerts using the TOMATO Traveler Information System” Add another new strategy that supports Objective 6.1.2 with: Number = 6.1 Name = Disseminate travel weather impact alerts using the TOMATO Traveler Information System. Leave all other attributes blank. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) View Planning Table View the Planning table and locate the new objective and related strategies on it. Confirm that the service packages and performance measure for Objective 6.1 are listed in the report. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise - Knowledge Check RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Exercise - Knowledge Check How would I disassociate the TI01 -Broadcast Traveler Information Service Package from Objective 6.1? On the Planning tab, uncheck the TI01 Service Package in the Service Package selection Let’s do a knowledge check to complete the exercise. How would I disassociate the TI01 -Broadcast Traveler Information service package from Objective 6.1? (Click to display the answer.) On the Planning tab, uncheck the TI01 service package in the Service Package selection pane (on either the Selected Service Packages or All Service Packages tab).
Review Module Outcomes RAD-IT Architecture Software Training June 2017 Review Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Planning Tab in RAD-IT Tool Explain the key features of the Planning Tab Be able to modify information on the Planning Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You have completed Module 3: RAD-IT – Planning Tab You are now able to: Explain how to access the Planning Tab in RAD-IT Tool Explain the key features of the Planning Tab Be able to modify information on the Planning Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen.