CIDA City Campus Fully accredited Institution South Africa’s first virtually free university Fully accredited Institution Founded in JHB in 1999 (1st graduates in 2004) Creating opportunities for academically deserving students from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds
CIDA City Campus Educational focus is business management, entrepreneurship and Information & Communication Technology Producing employable graduates through career - focused education Widening the net of the productive economy
CIDA Education Model The CIDA Education Structure CIDA City Campus ICT Academy Coaching & Mentorship Extranet : Community Development School of Investments (Sol) Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Career Centre (Job Shop) CIDA Youth Development Workplace attachment (internship)
CIDA Model Low cost, high impact solution Student and business participation Career focused skills-based education Humanitarian values aimed at empowering students Studies incorporate practical work experience Practicum, internships, learnerships Partnership with business Collaboration: Corporate companies and overseas universities Philosophy of Ubuntu: Community development, sustainability Course relevance to Industry: Schools of Excellence
Bursaries for CIDA Students Building sustainability… Corporate Social Investments/ Donations Bursaries for CIDA Students Funding CIDA Empowerment Trust CIDA Empowerment Fund
Student Engagement Involve them in certain areas of operations Very involved (student-centred Environment) Use students to tell their experiences to the visitors Use them in public platforms such as Radio, TV & News papers Involve them in certain areas of operations Share information with Student Leadership
Academic Dean, CIDA City Campus Thank you Wiseman Jack Academic Dean, CIDA City Campus /