Dynamic Transmission Network Behavior for DER Power Systems David D. Dixon1, Chengxi Liu2 , Kai Sun3 1 Tuskegee University 2 The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Case Studies Introduction DER (Distributed Energy Resources) are resources that are desired to add to the power system in the near future. The addition is because DER’s are unlimited, renewable sources unlike the majority, present-day sources such as fossil fuels. The three main sources are wind, hydro, and solar power. The main goal of joining the sources to the bulk power system is to ensure that the smart grid will be both environmentally friendly and economical while producing enough power to meet daily demands. There are many challenges in planning for the addition of a large amount of distributed energy resources. Unlike traditional sources, DER’s have non-conventional stability due to their special, fluctuant characteristics. This weakens the capability to control and modify the power network operation. This calls to examine their short and long term impact on the grid. German Distribution to Transmission Network After a sample case of wind speed at 7 meters per second for 5 seconds Graph of Time Domain vs. Active and Reactive Power Purpose The current absence of adequate modeling and analysis continues to prevent physical integration and primary marketing of DER’s. Emphasize wind power through wind farms due to it’s known, economical advantage, continual growth , impact on power stability, and necessary application of testing Analyze the dynamic behavior and response of transmission networks from the wind farms (focus on the coordination between distribution to transmission) Generate several simulations in preparation of wind farm’s randomicity and various scenarios, such as range in wind speed and operation modes, using interactive software for practical implementation Evaluate the reliability and any other benefit to the grid and marketing at large 0 residual voltage (Most Disturbance) Active Power (Pe) and Reactive Power ( Qe) equations Vr= real stator voltage Vm= imaginary stator voltage Ir= real stator current Im= imaginary stator current Correlation between energy of wind power and wind speed. Pr= rated output power Vci=cut in wind speed, Vco= cut out wind speed Vr= rated wind speed Vw= measured wind speed References [1] Y. Chang and J. Yu, "Long Term Dynamic Behavior Analysis for Power System Including Wind Farms," 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Wuhan, 2009, pp. 1-4 This work was supported primarily by the ERC Program of the National Science Foundation and DOE under NSF Award Number EEC-1041877. Other US government and industrial sponsors of CURENT research are also gratefully acknowledged.