Email: - Newsletter Bizzy Bears Contacts During sessions : - 01604 785123 Out of hours: - 07941 182487 Email: - Follow us on face book Pre-School October Newsletter 2017 Autumn Term We are already half way through our first half term and all our new children are settling in well. Information regarding our themes and planned activities are displayed on the curriculum notice board in the corridor. Family Coffee Morning On Wednesday 4th October at 9.15am-10.00am we are having a coffee morning for Bizzy Bears families. Younger siblings are more than welcome. We will be sharing information on Tapestry the online learning journals, home learning bag lending scheme for our younger children and gathering fundraising ideas for the year ahead. The coffee morning will include free refreshments. We hope you will be able to attend to share your ideas and opinions. Facebook We would like to inform all parents and carers that we now have a Preschool facebook page. The prime use for this page will be to display photographs of activities which we have carried out(no children will be included in these photographs), displaying reminders such as funding dates and Preschool events. Please like our page and check regularly for any updates. Please note we will not be using this page to receive messages as it will not be checked on a regular basis so please continue to telephone or email us in the usual way. Tempest Photography On Friday October 13th we have a photographer coming into Pre-School to take individual and family photographs. All children and families are welcome, the photographer will be at Bizzy Bears from 8.50am until 11.00am. Please see a member of staff to arrange a time slot if your child is not in that day or if you wish your child to have their photograph taken with siblings. If you do not want your child’s photograph taken please inform a member of staff. Harvest Donations As part of learning about harvest and to support our local community we would like to collect donations of jars, tins and packets of food for our local food bank. There will be a basket located in the corridor for donations from Monday 2nd- Friday 6th October.
The deadline for applications is Monday 15th January 2018 at 5pm. Introducing Signing Following recent training on the benefits of introducing signing to young children as a communication and development tool ,we feel this would benefit all the children in our setting. Early Years signing supports spoken language, it gives all children a way to get their meaning across reducing frustration. Signing has not been found to inhibit or reduce speech on the contrary, it often increases speech. Signing has been shown to improve children’s confidence and communication skills enabling them to express themselves creatively. We shall be introducing one sign each week using key words that the children use on a daily basis. We shall be making it fun with games, activities, stories and songs focusing on our sign of the week. We will display our sign of the week in the corridor on our planning board. You can find more information at and www.cbbc/ Children In Need To celebrate this years Children in need appeal, we will be holding a Spotty theme week from 13th-17th November. Children are welcome to come to Pre school dressed in spots throughout the week. We will be planning lots of spotty themed activities over the week. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (13th,14th,15th) children are welcome to bring in loose change to cover a large cut out of Pudsey bear who will be sat outside the pavilion. On Thursday and Friday (16th,17th) we will be holding a cake sale at the end of the session and would welcome donations of cakes to sell to go alongside some that the children have been making in Preschool. Thank you. School Admissions If your child turns 4 before 31st August 2018 its time to apply for their primary school place. To help you make this decision you can visit schools on open evenings and read school prospectuses. You can make your application and find helpful tips and information online at /admissions, or you can apply online at any Northamptonshire County Council library(there will be no charge for using the computers to complete your application or for accessing the emails regarding your school application). You can also apply by post by contacting the school admissions team and asking for an application form to be posted to you: or 0300 126 1000 The deadline for applications is Monday 15th January 2018 at 5pm. Policy of the month We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that Bizzy Bears follows. To familiarise parents/carers with our policies this term we shall be focusing on one policy per month. This month it is Health and safety policy. A copy of this policy is displayed on the parents notice board in the corridor, in the policy book in the changing room and on our website. We can also email parents a copy if requested. Dates for your diary Wednesday 4th October- Family coffee morning Friday 13th October –Tempest Photography Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October –Half term Monday 30th October – New term starts w/b 13th -17th November- Children in need ‘Spotty’ theme week.