Strategic planning for Nablus power system Prepared by: Aya Kamal Alawneh Amal Nazzeh Allan Presented to: Dr. MAHER KHAMMASH
Our project is to make a load flow study and analysis for MojeerAldeen& Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat (Nablus) Electrical Network using ETAP software to improve the power factor to reduce the electrical losses in the network to increase the capability of the transformers and the transmission lines
Outlines Electrical Network Improvements Protection Analysis Future planning for connection point Optimization electrical network Electrical Network Improvements
Nablus electrical network
1.1 Simulation For Mojeer Al deen Network fed Electrical Network Improvements 1.1 Simulation For Mojeer Al deen Network fed from Quseen 1.1.1 FOR MAXIMUM CASE Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 7.597 2.616 8.03 94.55Lag Apparent Losses: 0.098 0.631 ∆P% 1.29 Max. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 7.8 2.8 8.2 88.8 lag Apparent Losses: 0.122 0.71 ∆P% 1.56
Electrical Network Improvements V% Mojeer Al deen Network from Quseen(max) 1.05 Vnominal <V<1.1 Vnominal
Electrical Network Improvements PF for Mojeer al deen from Quseen Max case
Electrical Network Improvements 1.1.2 FOR MINIMUM CASE we reduce the loads to 40% from the original case Min. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 2.8 1.015 3.131 94.59 lag Apparent Losses: 0.015 0.054 ∆P% .541 Min. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 2.902 1.476 3.255 89.14 lag Apparent Losses: 0.017 0.058 ∆P% 0.586
Electrical Network Improvements 1.1.3 The economical study ∆∆P=∆Pbefore,cap - ∆Pafter,cap ∆∆P:saving in real power losses ∆Pbefore,cap : real power losses before adding capacitor ∆Pafter,cap : real power losses after adding capacitor Z∆p=∆∆p*T*100 Z∆p : annual saving in real power cost T max =the time of max loss = 3800 h 100:cost per MWh($/MWh) Kc=C*Qc Kc :cost of capacitor C: cost of capacitor per KVAr($/KVAr) Qc: capacitor KVAr
Electrical Network Improvements Fixed Cap=4000($/MVAr). Regulated Cap= 10000 ($/MVAr) Zc =0.22*Kc Zc :annual capacitor running cost 0 .22: maintenance & life time of capacitor (depreciation factor) ∆Z=Z∆p-Zc ∆Z: annual saving S.P.B.P=investment(capacitors initial cost)/ total annual saving S.P.B.P < 2year →→→project is visible S.P.B.P > 2year →→→project is not visible
Electrical Network Improvements Economical for Mojeer al deen from Quseen Max case ∆∆P=saving in real power losses ==∆Pbefore-∆Pafter=0.024 Z∆p= annual saving in real power cost ==∆∆p*T*100== T=the time of max loss $/MWH=100 Kc=cost of capacitor= cost of capacitor per KVAr * capacitor KVAr Kc=0 .55*4000 + 0.59*10000 =8100$ Zc= annual capacitor running cost ==0.22*Kc=1782 $/ year ∆Z= annual saving =Z∆p-Zc=9120 - 1782==7338 Which is > 0 good design S.P.B.P =Kc/∆Z =8100/7338=1.1 year which is feasible
1.2 Simulation For Mojeer Al deen Network Electrical Network Improvements 1.2 Simulation For Mojeer Al deen Network Fed from Sara 1.2.1 FOR MAXIMUM CASE Max. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 8.3 2.49 8.211 95.94 Lag Apparent Losses: 0.18 0.4 ∆P% 2.1 Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 8.200 2.398 8.544 95.98Lag Apparent Losses: 0.110 0.398 ∆P% 1.34
Electrical Network Improvements V% Mojeer Al deen Network from Sara(max)
Electrical Network Improvements PF for Mojeer al deen from Sara Max case
Electrical Network Improvements 1.2.2 FOR MINIMUM CASE Min. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 3.163 0.839 3.272 96.67Lag Apparent Losses: 0.016 0.059 ∆P% .506 M. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 3.227 0.857 3.338 96.66 lag Apparent Losses: 0.018 .061 ∆P% 0.558
Electrical Network Improvements 1.3 Simulation For Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Network fed from Quseen 1.3.1 FOR MAXIMUM CASE Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 5.38 2.38 6.397 92.82Lag Apparen t Losses: 0.290 0.478 ∆P% 5.4 Max. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 5.747 3.082 6.521 88.12 Lag Apparent Losses: 0.333 0.528 ∆P% 5.8
Electrical Network Improvements V% Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Network in Quseen (max) V% 1.05 Vnominal <V<1.1 Vnominal
Electrical Network Improvements P.F Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Network From quseen
Electrical Network Improvements Economical for Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat from Quseen Max case ∆∆P=saving in real power losses ==∆Pbefore-∆Pafter=0.043 Z∆p= annual saving in real power cost T=the time of max loss $/MWH=100 ==∆∆p*T*100= Kc=cost of capacitor= cost of capacitor per KVAr * capacitor KVAr Kc= 0 .135*4000 + 0.55*10000= =6040$ Zc= annual capacitor running cost ==0.22*Kc= 1329 $/ year ∆Z= annual saving =16340 - 1329==15011 Which is > 0 good design S.P.B.P =Kc/∆Z = = 4.8 months which is feasible
Electrical Network Improvements 1.3.2 FOR MINIMUM CASE Min. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 2.593 0.955 2.763 93.83 Lag Apparent Losses: 0.057 0.091 ∆P% .2.1% Min. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 2.902 1.476 3.255 89.14 lag Apparent Losses: 0.089 .098 ∆P% 3%
Chapter(1) :Electrical Network Improvements 1.4 Simulation For Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Network FED from Sara case 1.4.1 FOR MAXIMUM CASE Max. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 6.245 1.776 6.493 96.19 Lag Apparen t Losses: 0.330 0.524 ∆P% 5.2 Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 6.063 1.042 6.447 98.69 Lag Apparent Losses: 0.296 0.488 ∆P% 4.6
Electrical Network Improvements V% Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Network in Sara (max) V%
Electrical Network Improvements P.F Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Network From Sara
Electrical Network Improvements 1.4.2 FOR MINIMUM CASE Min. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 2.504 0.595 2.574 97.29 Lag Apparen t Losses: 0.047 0.075 ∆P% 1.87 MIN. load case results without improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 2.9 0.87 3 96.19 Lag Apparent Losses: 0.055 0.087 ∆P% 1.89
For mojeer al deen Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA Quseen network Sara network Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 7.597 2.616 8.03 94.55Lag Apparent Losses: 0.110 0.398 ∆P% 1.34 Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 8.200 2.398 8.544 95.98Lag Apparent Losses: 0.098 0.231 ∆P% 1.29
For Aljam3a and Kamal jomblat Quseen network Sara network Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 5.38 2.38 6.397 92.82Lag Apparen t Losses: 0.296 0.488 ∆P% 5.4 Max. load case results with improvement MW Mvar MVA % PF Swing Bus(es): 6.063 1.042 6.447 98.69 Lag Apparent Losses: 0.290 0.478 ∆P% 4.6
Comparison between the Quseen and Sara networks Quseen network Sara network Its fed from Sara connection Its has a high p.f due to transfer loads from Quseen to Sara connection point So the p.f increase and lower losses than the Quseen network -Its fed from Quseen connection point -It has low P.F & higher Losses
Optimization of the electrical network 2.1 Replacing transformers The table below shows the values of apparent power and the load factor before and after the replacing: Summary Apparent Losses for mojeer al deen
Optimization electrical network 2.2 : Operation mode of medium voltage distribution feeders: Medium voltages (MV) are radialy.. We construct ring network to insure back-up connections to improve the reliability of the system. . In MOJEER ALDEEN network we should construct rings for all four main feeders (on 6.6kv) after the switch gear ,between every two adjacent feeders The main transmission line is ACSR ( cross sectional area120) Carries an electric current up to 395A.
Optimization electrical network But at worst condition they carry currents as the following
Optimization electrical network Ring between ALM3AJEN and ALDARDOK feeder: Ring between ALENJELE and ALITHAD feeder:
Ring between ALMAHKAMA and ALENJELE feeder Summary Ring between ALMAHKAMA and ALENJELE feeder
Optimization electrical network 2.3 Design substation Suggestion for Location of substation
Optimization electrical network The main purpose of substation mainly feds hospitals and north region (Aseera Al Shmalia) and it is near the loads and it decreases losses so the current reach the customer in good quality also to improve ring system
Optimization electrical network This figure shows the configuration of substation
Future planning for connection point Electrical Network Supply Nablus are fed from 4 connection point by Israel Electrical Company (IEC), At 33KV as following: Sara Carracon Transformer (33-11KV) 10MVA Al jam3a Mojeer Al deen (33-11KV) 5MVA Nablus 1.Asker (odeleh & Almeslekh) 30MVA 2.Sara 40MVA 3 .Innab 7MVA 4 .Howwara 20 MVA
Element of sara connection point Transmission Line There are two type of conductor: 1.ACSR 150mm2 2.XLPE cables 240mm2 The resistance and reactance of XLPE and ACSR in table below (A) Transmission Line Data MV Cable XLPE Resistance (Ω/Km) 0.0975 Reactance (Ω/Km) 0.11486 Length (Km) 3.7 Resistance (Ω) 0.36075 Reactance (Ω) 0.424982 MV overhead line ACSR 0.223 0.257 4.7 1.0481 1.2079
Future planning for connection point 4.1 Strategic planning for the network . Power (W)consumption in last ten year
Future planning for connection point Load Flow Results we can summarize the forecasted results, total generation, demand , loading., percentage of losses, and the total power factor for the maximum case in future ten years in Nablus network as in tables below:
Future planning for connection point
Future planning for connection point 4.2 Recommended and solution So Nablus connection point (sara) will include four 161/33KV transformers (each of 45MVA Nablus network will fed from 161/33KV Sara connection point which consist of 4*45MVA capacity and 9 outgoing feeders After three years around (2015) all connection points will be cancellation So we suggest another connection point gives 20 MVA to fed the network . Adding to previous four connection points The connection point in 2013 will be full .
Future planning for connection point
Protection Analysis Why protection system is needed Personnel saifty against electrical hazards . Avoid equipment stress(thermal,electrical,mechanical damages) . make network stability . Clear electrical faults and maintain service continuity Short cct calculation : In our project we use Etap program to calculate the maximum currents for three regions East , MEDIUM and WEST loads .and we get the required short cct current from NEDCO
Protection Analysis Selection of circuit breaker : I C.B ≥ K safty*Imax load K safty=1.3 V C.B ≥ Vsystem I breaking capacity ≥ 1.2 Is.c Selection of instrument transformer : Potential transformer : Vs= 110v but V p≥ V source Current transformer : Is=5 A but I p≥ 1.1Imaxload
Protection Analysis and Design To make differential protection for the power transformer as the following figure:
Protection Analysis and Design The relay which we used is (inverse time relay ) The aim of the protection in our project is how to achive selectivity between cct breakers The following eqn is to calculate the setting (T)time of each relay T=t0/K T: setting time t0 :operating time K: factor depend on the type of the relay curves
Protection Analysis and Design t0 :operating time
Thank We thanks Dr.maher khammash We thanks NEDECO for cooperation with us especially for : Eng. Shadia Qamheye Eng.Allam Abd Alfattah Eng.Samah Alnamer