ACCESS Linneaus Centre Styrelsesammanträde Tisdag 19 maj 2009, kl. 13.30 Osquldasväg 10, plan 8
Agenda Approval of today’s agenda Member to check the minutes Minutes from previous meeting ACCESS faculty and faculty renewal Evaluation procedure for Thematic Projects 2007-2009 Call for Seed Projects and Collaborative Projects 2010-2011 Information Postdoc call Upcoming workshops Mobility Distinguished Lecture Series Internal Seminar Series Graduate School Discussion Opportunities Ericsson-ACCESS collaboration Opportunities ACCESS KTH-TKK collaboration AOB Next meetings
3. Minutes from previous meeting ACTION ITEM: Proposal for ACCESS faculty and research project renewal
4. ACCESS faculty and faculty renewal
ACCESS Founding Faculty Definition The founders of ACCESS including those that have replaced founders. Today: Erik Aurell, Mats Bengtsson, Mads Dam, Peter Händel, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Xiaoming Hu, Magnus Jansson, Karl Henrik Johansson, Mikael Johansson, Ulf Jönsson, Gunnar Karlsson, Bastiaan Kleijn, Anders Lindquist, Björn Ottersten, Lars K. Rasmussen, Mikael Skoglund, Rolf Stadler, Bo Wahlberg Decision Made by ACCESS Founding Faculty Preparation of decision Made by Executive Committee
ACCESS Faculty Definition The assistant professors, associate professor and full professors involved in ACCESS activities, including ACCESS founding faculty Today: ACCESS founding faculty, György Dán, Carlo Fischione, Markus Flierl, Victoria Fodor, Ather Gattami, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Henrik Sandberg, Ragnar Thobaben, Ming Xiao Decision Made by Director Preparation of decision Made by Executive Committee
5. Evaluation procedure for Thematic Projects 2007-2009 See document
6. Call for Seed Projects and Collaborative Projects 2010-2011 See document
7a. Postdoc call 1-3 new ACCESS postdoc positions supported with 400 KSEK per year for up to two years May 31 is deadline for ACCESS Founding Faculty to propose candidate, who should be supported by at least two groups within ACCESS and be affiliated to an ACCESS Thematic Area ACCESS Executive Committee will propose a ranking of the applicants June 15
7b. Upcoming workshops 1st ACCESS Student Workshop, Hässelby Slott, Mar 3, 2009 Statistical Mechanics of Game Theory, Mariehamn, Åland, May 27-30, 2009 A Celebration of the Field of Systems and Control, KTH, Sep 9-11, 2009 KTH-TKK Workshop, TBD, Oct 1-2, 2009 CPSWEEK, KTH, April 12-16, 2010
7c. Mobility Current incoming Kim Beom Jun, Sung Kyun Kwan University Zhixin Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences Future incoming Claire Tomlin, UC Berkeley, 2010-01—06 Shankar Sastry, UC Berkeley, 2010-01—06 Roy Smith, UC Santa Barbara, 2010-04—07 Chris Byrnes, Washington University, ? Future outgoing Bo Wahlberg, Stanford, 2009-08—2010-07
7d. Internal Seminar Series New bi-weekly internal seminar series to deepen interdisciplinary research collaboration among all ACCESS researchers. Once a year, each faculty member presents their research to PhD students and postdocs. 2009 18 March: Xiaoming Hu, "Active Sensing and Control for Mobile Systems" 1 April: Erik Aurell, "Heuristics for solving constraint satisfaction problems" 15 April: Henrik Sandberg ""Simplification of Dynamical Models" 29 April: Håkan Hjalmarsson, "System Identification of Complex and Structured Systems" 13 May: Karl Henrik Johansson, "Wireless Control" 3 June: Bo Wahlberg, "Performance Analysis of High Volume/Low Latency Marketplace Systems" 17 June: Rolf Stadler, "Decentralizing Management"
7e. Distinguished Lecture Series 2009-01: Asu Ozdaglar, MIT 2009-03: Jörg Liebeherr, University of Toronto 2009-04: Bernardo A. Huberman, HP Labs 2009-05: Roger Brockett, Harvard University 2009-06: Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University Lectures are filmed by KTH Learning Lab and posted at the ACCESS homepage from Apr 2009.
7f. Graduate School 1st Student Workshop, Hässelby Slott, 3 Mar 2009 Spring 2009 Complex systems Statistical mechanics of game theory Game theory, preparatory course Bayesian networks, preparatory course Fall 2009 Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks System identification Spring 2010 Nonlinear Systems: Analysis and Control
8. Discussion Background: ACCESS is involved in the strategic proposal on Mobile Communication & IT and the EIT proposal. Plan for potential implementations. Opportunities Ericsson-ACCESS collaboration Opportunities ACCESS KTH-TKK collaboration [Opportunities SICS-ACCESS collaboration to be discussed at next board meeting]
9. Any Other Business New ACCESS homepage ACCESS in KTH’s DN appendix
10. Next meetings A proposal is one more meeting 2009: 13:00-14:30, Tue Nov 10, 2009