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Presentation transcript:

From: On the origin of sensory errors: Contrast discrimination under temporal constraint Journal of Vision. 2017;17(8):6. doi:10.1167/17.8.6 Figure Legend: A Monte Carlo simulation of the adaptive algorithm. (A) Here, we see Monte-Carlo simulations of the adaptive algorithm over 45 trials, which are marked on the x axis. On the top graphs, we have 10 simulations overlaid on top of one another (separate lines), with the value for β calculated as being most probable shown on the y axis. The dashed black line is the true value of β (βtrue), i.e., the value for the simulated responder. Note that the three graphs at the top have separate values for βtrue, denoted in their titles. For all three graphs, βprior started 40% below βtrue. The three graphs on the bottom show a mean of calculated βprior (solid line) for the 10 simulations above, and the standard error (dashed lines) for the same. These graphs give a better insight on the average course of the convergence. (B) This set of graphs show the same thing as (A), with the only difference being that the starting βprior is set at 40% above the true value of β. Date of download: 12/31/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.