Recent thinking on worldview discourse Beyond worldview Recent thinking on worldview discourse Ken Dickens
Has “worldview” lost its usefulness?
Constructed Revealed
Authentic Christian education
Authentic Christian education
Theology Education
Theology Worldview Education
Worldview Bible
Biblical Worldview Bible
Biblical worldview Redemption Fall Creation
Evangelical preaching Biblical worldview Evangelical preaching Redemption Fall
Biblical worldview Christian education Redemption Creation
Biblical worldview Christian education Progress Creation
19th Century 20th Century 21st Century Development of the concept German philosophy Orr & Kuyper Reformed evangelicals Reformational philosophers Evangelicals Reformed critique
Social science disciplines Evangelicals Reformed critique German philosophy Orr & Kuyper Reformed evangelicals Reformational philosophers Evangelicals Reformed critique German philosophy Marxism Social science disciplines Evangelicals Reformed critique
Worldview critique Goheen & Bartholomew (2008) Bonzo & Stevens (2009) James Smith (2009)
Goheen & Bartholomew (2008) Living at the crossroads: An introduction to Christian worldview Intellectualism Relativism Biblical replacement Activism
After worldview: Christian Higher Education in postmodern worlds Bonzo & Stevens After worldview: Christian Higher Education in postmodern worlds Tainted with humanism Holy jugglers Way of life World & Life vision Evangelical use Pierson Seerveld Wolters Olthuis Walsh (2000)
Kuyperian roots – two meanings Evangelical use Pierson Evangelicals and worldview confusion Kuyperian roots – two meanings Religious nature of life Structure & direction Moral & normative
James K A Smith (2009) Desiring the kingdom: Worship, worldview and cultural formation I think. Therefore I am. (Descartes) I worship. Therefore I am. (Christian telos)
Social imaginaries rather than worldview We learn to love and worship through liturgies Education is more about formation than information
Social imaginaries rather than worldview We learn to love and worship through liturgies Education is more about formation than information
Response to Smith Kuperian/Naugle worldview appreciated heart commitment Love and worship involves the cognitive Pedagogical liturgies are planned out of our beliefs Special case of teacher education
What will fire his Christian imagination?
An encounter with Christ
But he is already a Christian! Formation through habitual, communal practices? A vision for life in the Kingdom Disclosure of other kingdoms
Disclosure of other kingdoms? Colossians remixed – Walsh & Keesmaat Everyday theology - Vanhoozer Knowing Christ today - Willard The naturalist or Nirvana stories
But he is already a Christian! Biblical philosophy – Three philosophies of life (Kreeft) Theology of creation – Creation regained (Wolters) Ethics – The joined up life (Cameron)
Recognise that we are narrative formed people
Worldview questions rather than a system How can I live and die happily? (Olthuis) How do I know what is right and wrong? (Sire) What’s gone wrong? (Walsh & Middleton) Who is a good person? (Willard)
Worldview is symbolic for the Lordship of Christ over all things (Col
The final word from Naugle As a result, a philosophically sophisticated, God centred conception of a Christian worldview spares believers from naïve fideism, scandalous ant-intellectualism and cultural obscurantism. In turn it imparts to then a cognitive confidence, an apologetic strategy, a cultural relevance, and a sound, spiritual basis for life in the coherent picture of God’s larger story (Naugle, 2002, p. 341).
Ken Dickens