Data Center Interconnection with EVPN VXLAN Overlay (An example only for internal discussion)
VoLTE Use Case DCI Overlay and Underlay Network
(SDN Local Controller) (SDN Local Controller) Restful/Restconf Example for clarifications OpenFlow ONAP SDN-C (Super Controller) Netconf MultiVIM Neutron Neutron Plug-in Plug-in DC Controller (SDN Local Controller) DC Controller (SDN Local Controller) Vxlan Vxlan Gateway Gateway Vxlan Inside DC DCI Inside DC
The Basic Steps to Set up DCI with EVPN VXLAN Overlay Step 1: SDN local controller takes over local DC network control from Neutron, and provides plugin for Neutron Step 2: SDN local controller instructs local DC-GW to set up EVPN and create VXLAN tunnel with remote DC-GW Step 3: Local network is connected to remote DC with EVPN VXLAN overlay (see details in the next two slides)
REST API to Connect Local L3 Network to Remote DC via EVPN VXLAN Overlay POST local-controller-ip:/v2.0/l3-dci-connects { " l3-dci-connect": { " id ": "CDD702C3-7719-4FE6-A5AD-3A9C9E265309", "name": "PODX-routerY", "description": "VPC A connect VPC B", "router_id": "CBB702C3-6789-1234-A5AD-3A9C9E265309", "firewall_enable": "false" "local_networks": ["8a41319d-87cf-4cd6-8957-f4a1066c63a8"], "local_network_all ":false, "evpn_irts": ["1:5000"], "evpn_erts": ["1:5000" ], "l3_vni": "5001", }
REST API to Connect Local L2 Network to Remote DC via EVPN VXLAN Overlay POST local-controller-ip:/v2.0/l2-dci-connects { "l2_dci_connect": { " id ": "CCB702C3-7719-4FE6-A5AD-3A9C9E265309", "name": "PODX SW1", "description": "VPC A L2 CONNECT, "network_id": "6d2c55ee-f11c-4e1c-a756-91b803588e7b ", "vni": "6000", "evpn_irts": ["1:6000" ], "evpn_erts": ["1:6000"] }