The US had sent a warship named the USS Constitution The Coming of War CH 7.3 ~ Pages 240-245 The Big Idea Violations of Neutrality Challenges at home and abroad led the US to declare war on Great Britain Some countries challenged and attacked US ships while they sailed around the world. Pirates are real along the Barbary Coast of Africa The US had sent a warship named the USS Constitution France and Britain both want the US to stop trading with the other country One thing Britain does that violates neutrality is to “impress” US sailors, while looking for run away English sailors
NA leader – Tecumseh, he unites the tribes to fight against US Embargo Act Conflict with Native Americans Embargo means to stop buying English and French goods and not let English and French ships unload their stuff in America This hurt northern states’ economies and Jefferson’s reputation and his chances for re-election NA view: The Americans are going to take their land and kill their families. British view: This is another chance to slow America’s westward movement, support the NA with guns and some training NA leader – Tecumseh, he unites the tribes to fight against US The NA start to attack, the President sends soldiers, including William Henry Harrison (president #9) – Battle of Tippecanoe
They are trying to get everyone excited about war Call for War Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina are leaders of the War Hawks They are trying to get everyone excited about war “If we continue to let the British intimidate us, then our independence will be lost! While we are at it, let’s invade Canada and make it a state!” “War is adventure, war is exciting! “ President James Madison (elected in 1808) thinks war is a bad idea, but prepares for war by strengthening the Navy and Army By 1812 Madison is convinced something must be done, Britain will not comply with US requests The Congress declares war! THE WAR OF 1812!