XTR algorithm for MIKEY draft-liang-msec-mikey-xtr-00.txt Jing Liang Hui Deng Shouwen Lai
Problem and Goal RFC3830 uses Diffie-Hellman to establish group secure key Performance is not good enough in application of mobile computing devices such as PDA. Our draft is targeted to this problem and we proposed the method of applying XTR for MIKEY.
Performance XTR ECC RSA Operation Speed Fastest 23ms Fast 28ms XTR : Efficient and Compact Subgroup Trace Representation XTR ECC RSA Operation Speed Fastest 23ms Fast 28ms Slow 5ms for 32-bit Key Length Short 170-bit Long 1020-bit Key selection Simplest Hard Simple Pentium III 450 MHz and 96 MB of Ram
XTR-DH message Exchange INITIATOR RESPONDER I_MESSAGE = HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi], [IDr], {SP}, XTR-DHi, SIGNi ----> R_MESSAGE = <---- HDR, T, [IDr|CERTr], IDi, XTR-DHr, SIGNr 1.Trace(ga) 3.Both parties computes key Trace(gab) 2.Trace(gb)
Work Item? Efficient Multicast Group Key Generation for the smart and resource-constrained device should be a problem ?