Revolutions in Latin American
European Empires: 1660s
16c-18c: New Ideas Brewing in Europe
Causes of Latin American Revolutions Enlightenment Ideas writings of John Locke, Voltaire, & Jean Rousseau; Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Creole discontent at being left out of government jobs and trade concessions. Inspiration of American and French Revolutions. Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal in fighting the Napoleonic Wars. 5. Mercantilism enriched the mother country at the expense of the colony. 6. Power of the Catholic Church 7. Wealth and power were unequally distributed 8. Native Americans wanted the land back from the Spanish 9. Native Americans and slaves wanted freedom
1. Enlightenment Ideas Laws of nature [NATURAL LAWS] govern natural science and human society. Give people rights life, liberty, property! Make fair societies based on reason possible. Challenged the theory of “Divine Right” monarchy.
Enlightenment Thinkers
2. Creole Discontent Mestizos hoped to move up in society Creoles felt that they built the colonies and therefore wanted to rule them
3. Inspiration of American & French Revolutions Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen, 1789 Successful revolutions in North America and France Declaration of Independence, 1776
4. Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal In Fighting Napoleonic Wars
Provides a model & a diversion! Napoleon on the March Provides a model & a diversion!
Latin American Revolutions!
Haitian Revolution
Toussaint L’Ouveture Leads a Revolution in Haiti (1804)
Toussaint L’Overture Former slave, Leader of slaves in Haiti Organized rebel slaves against French colonists 1791-1803 Crash Course Haitian Revolution: tch?v=5A_o-nU5s2U
The Louisiana Purchase (French: Vente de la Louisiane "Louisiana Sale") US purchased 830,000 square miles of French territory from Napoleon in 1803 Paid $15 million for the Louisiana territory (4c/acre) Napoleon, upon completion of the agreement, stated: "This …territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride." How might the Louisiana Purchase be connected to the Haitian Revolution?
Latin American Revolutions
Simón Bolivar: The “Brains”of theRevolution Creole leader of the revolutions in Venezuela. Spent time in Europe and the newly-independent United States.
Simón Bolivar Meets José de San Martin
Simon Bolivar (the “Liberator”) Wealthy Creole family in Venezuela Organized rebels against Spanish rule. 1808-1825 Started in Venezuela, then moved to help Ecuador, Columbia, and Peru. He united all of these areas into Gran Columbia, under his rule. He hoped to free and unite all of Latin America.
The “Muscle” of the Revolution Bolivar coming from the North. José de St. Martín and Bernard O’Higgins cross the Andes Mountains.
Jose de San Martin Creole in Argentina Organized rebels in Argentina against Spanish rule. 1812-1825 Started in Argentina, then moved to Chile, Ecuador and Peru. He fought with Simon Bolivar, and Bernardo O’Higgins (led Chile to independence) Muscle of the Revolution
Bolivar & San Martin Fight for Independence!
Bolivar’s Accomplishment
Bolivar’s Failure After uniting Venezuela, Columbia, & Ecuador into Gran Columbia, he left to help free the rest of Latin America. He died a year later, with his goal of uniting all of South America unfulfilled!
Latin American States After the Revolutions
Results of the Latin American Revolutions
1. Brazil Freed from Portugal The Portuguese royal family escaped Napoleon by fleeing to Brazil. Pedro I set up a new, independent kingdom in 1821 when his father returned to Portugal. Pedro II assumed full power after Pedro I abdicated his throne.
2. Independence for Spanish & Portuguese Latin America By the mid-1820s, revolts create many newly-independent nations. Toussaint L’Ouveture – Haiti Bolívar, San Martín, & O’Higgins in: Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, the United Provinces of Central America, and Gran Columbia!
3. No Unity! Failure of Bolivar’s dream for a united South America: Many newly independent countries struggle with civil wars. By 1830s, geographic factors (mts., the Amazon, etc.) plus cultural differences defeated attempts at unification. Gran Columbia. United Provinces of Central America.
4. Independence Brought More Poverty The wars disrupted trade. The wars devastated the cities and the countryside.
5. Left Many Countries in the Control of Caudillos WHO WERE THEY?: Mid-19c dictators military authoritarianism. Mostly wealthy creole aristocrats. Immediately followed the fight for independence. Posed as reformers with goals to improve the economy and better the lives of the common people.
5. Left Many Countries in the Control of Caudillos WHO WERE THEY?: BUT…Overthrew governments and took away basic human rights. Some attempted to make improvements, but most just cared about themselves and their families and friends [nepotism]. Power changes usually occurred at bayonet-point [coup d’etats!]
Geography kills the dream of Bolivar
South America & Nationalism In order to grow the independence movement Bolivar and San Martin encouraged ideas of nationalism This helped fuel support for the independence movements but also led to the splintering of a unified Latin America
What is the Message?
Additional Problems 6. Feuds among leaders. 7. Geographic barriers. 8. The social hierarchy continued from the past. Haciendas=large estates 9. Conservatives favored the old social order. 10. Liberals wanted land reform. 11. Dependence on foreign nations for capital and for economic investments.
Who benefitted from French Revolution and the Latin American Revolutions the most?
Effect of Latin American Revolutions Are we better off now than we were under Spain?
Issues in Napoleon Essay How you write an essay Claim Argument that supports your claim (using Documents or O.I.) Evidence that supports your argument (using Docs or O.I.) Make sure your arguments agree with your claim Make sure your evidence agrees with your argument Always connect your argument back to your claim ***If your argument is that Napoleon is a continuation/end of revolutionary ideals, you need to explain what those ideals are!***
Crash Course World History: Latin American Revolutions