Bell Ringer: Pop Quiz! Please complete the pop quiz on a separate sheet of paper. Have your homework out on the desk to be collected. HOMEWORK: Complete the Document Analysis for the 4 documents given Friday September 11th- DUE Tuesday Complete Crash Course #2 on Edpuzzle DUE Tuesday Complete Crash Course #3 on Edpuzzle DUE Wednesday Chapter 5 Reading Guide DUE Monday
Socratic Seminar Get into your mini groups. Each group will be assigned some of the Key Concepts and Essential Questions. Those should be the FIRST questions your group answers before moving on to other questions. After 15 minutes, each group will present their findings!
Reminder: Rules, Roles, and Goals! You may only participate IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE READING. If you have not, then you will not be allowed to speak today, you may only take notes. -We will first go over the Key Concepts that you MUST understand. -Then those of you who are prepared may ask your discussion questions and in doing so, take on the role of the Discussion leader (call on students, be sure to keep the conversation on topic and make sure that it remains productive. If the topic is no longer helpful, it is time to move on.) -To keep the discussion well-rounded, we are going to follow the two- before-you rule. Once you have spoken two others should speak first before you raise your hand again (UNLESS YOU ARE THE LEADER) -Goal: To address the essential questions of the unit. To address any confusion or complexity of the text!
MUST UNDERSTAND: KEY CONCEPTS Chapter 3 How clashes between European and American Indian social and economical values caused changes in both cultures (pp. 48-49)?
MUST UNDERSTAND: KEY CONCEPTS Chapter 3 How late-seventeenth-century efforts to integrate Britain’s colonies into a coherent hierarchical imperial structure and pursue mercantilist economic aims met with scant success due to forms of colonial resistance and conflicts with American Indians (pp. 49- 51)? Why late-seventeenth-century efforts to integrate Britain’s colonies into a coherent hierarchical imperial structure and pursue mercantilist economic aims were followed by a half-century of the British government’s relative indifference to colonial governance (i.e., “salutary neglect) (pp. 51-52)
Historical Argumentation The authors contend that “especially along the rocky shores of New England, it was not worldly wealth but religious devotion that principally shaped the earliest settlements.” As you read this chapter, did you formulate an historical argument that supports, modifies, or refutes this assertion?
Comparison During the 1600s, the British colonists in the Chesapeake and New England developed vastly different societies. As you read this chapter, and recall examples from Chapter 2, what examples did you find that account for these regional differences?
Historical Causation What caused the demographic, religious, and ethnic diversity in the middle colonies? As you read this chapter, how many different reasons for this diversity in the middle colonies did you identify?
Essential Questions Analyze the factors behind competition, cooperation, and conflict among difference societies and social groups in North America during the colonial period. Explain how the natural environmental contributed to the development of distinct regional group identifies, institutions, and conflicts in the precontact period through the independence period. Analyze how competing conceptions of national identity were expressed in the development of political institutions and cultural value from the late colonial through the antebellum periods.
MUST UNDERSTAND: KEY CONCEPTS Chapter 4 How the abundance of land, a shortage of indentured servants, the lack of an effective means to enslave native peoples, and the growing European demand for colonial good led to the emergence of the Atlantic slave trade (pp. 63-70) MUST UNDERSTAND: KEY CONCEPTS Chapter 4
MUST UNDERSTAND: KEY CONCEPTS Chapter 4 How the goals and interests of European leaders at times diverged from those of the colonial citizens and lead to growing mistrust on both sides of the Atlantic (pp. 64 & 76). Why settlers, especially in the English colonies, expressed dissatisfaction over territorial settlements, frontier defense, and other issues (pp. 64, 72-74, 76)
MUST UNDERSTAND: KEY CONCEPTS Chapter 4 How “Atlantic World” commercial, religious, philosophical, and political interactions among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians stimulated economic growth, expanded social networks, and reshaped labor systems (pp.63-70, 74-76)
Continuity and Change Over Time As you read this chapter, did you explain the development of indentured servitude and slavery in the British colonies throughout the seventeenth century?
Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence The authors contend that “nature smiled more benignly on pioneer New Englanders than on their disease-plagued fellow colonists to the south.” As you read this chapter, how much relevant historical evidence did you identify that supports this assertion? What might have been the causes for this difference between the two groups of colonists?
Synthesis As you read this chapter, could you combine the information from the primary source excerpts and the text to create a persuasive understanding of southern and New England life during the seventeenth century?
Essential Questions Explain how patterns of exchanging commodities, peoples, diseases, and ideas around the “American World” developed after European contact and shaped North American colonial-era societies. Explain how conceptions of the group identity and autonomy emerged out of cultural interactions between colonizing groups, Africans, and American Indians in the colonial era. Analyze how the search for economic resources affected social and political developments from the colonial period through Reconstruction.
Your questions… Reminder of the role Those of you who were prepared may ask your discussion questions and in doing so, take on the role of the Discussion leader (call on students, be sure to keep the conversation on topic and make sure that it remains productive. If the topic is no longer helpful, it is time to move on.)
Exit Slip and Homework Turn in your discussion notes as your exit slip Homework: Read and take notes on your assigned colonies (Spanish, French, Dutch, English). DUE THURSDAY. Watch Crash Course #4 and answer accompanying questions. DUE THURSDAY. Note – Chapter 5 reading and questions due next Thursday, Sept 24.