Making Percentages. So 76% of pupils love maths . 19 x 100 25 Dream on !!
Testing Times. John achieves the following grades in his exams: Science 54 86 History 36 55 Maths 27 40 English 47 65 Write down in order what you think is John’s best to work subject. The problem is because the totals are all out of different amounts we can’t compare the subjects very easily. What can we do ? Turn all the grades into a percentage out of a hundred.
Marks As Percentages. Look at the grades again: Maths 27 40 English 47 65 Science 54 86 History 36 55 100 1 To change the maths score into a percentage we multiply by 100 1 27 x 100 2700 27 40 67.5% x = = = 40 40 x 1 We now know John gained 67.5% for maths. Now turn the other scores into percentages.
John Maths 67.5% English 72.3% Science 62.7% History 65.5% Now put the subjects in order from best to worst: English Maths History Science. By turning different scores into percentages which are always out of a hundred we can compare the scores together accurately.
Further Problems. Solve the problems below: (1) Express £34 as a percentage of £96 Solution 34 96 100 1 3400 96 35.4% = = x (2) 67 out of 89 people are men. What percentage are men? Solution 67 89 100 1 6700 89 75.3% = = x
What Goes In The Box ? (1) Express £67 out of £134 as a percentage. 50% (2) If 34 out of 66 people buy a newspaper , what percentage is this ? 51.5% (3) If 34 out of 189 adults can’t swim what percentage can swim ? 82%