Accelerator R&D for Future Neutrino Projects


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Presentation transcript:

Accelerator R&D for Future Neutrino Projects In this talk, “future” = post T2K Three main candidates (with variants)………. Focus on Neutrino Factory and Beta Beam International context Main challenges R&D projects underway Conclusions


International context Aims driven by CERN SG: “…..studies of the scientific case for future neutrino facilities and the R&D into associated technologies are required to be in a position to define the optimal neutrino programme based on the information available in around 2012; Council will play an active role in promoting a coordinated European participation in a global neutrino programme” Within Europe, being done through EUROnu: - FP7 Design Study - 13.5M€ total budget - study three options for future facility - includes detectors and physics - primary aim: “cost” and performance for SG - runs 1st September 08 to 31st August 12 - part of CERN strategy - see

IDS-NF International activities........ International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory Started 2008, building on ISS Aims: IDR ~2010; RDR ~2012 Design of accelerator and detector(s) Physics performance Cost and schedule “Risk” EUROnu – most of EU contribution

Overall conceptual design Neutrino Factory Challenges pretty much everywhere Overall conceptual design FETS Targets EMMA MICE RF SPL Project X Targets EMMA

Target Main target issues: high energy density, 300J/cm3 ~0.75MW deposition in target Problems: - thermal shock - temperature rise - radiation damage - radiation protection, remote handling, disposal..... 3 options being studied: - liquid mercury jet - solid bars - particle jet None yet proven at engineering level

Study-2 capture solenoid Liquid Mercury Study-2 capture solenoid Concept: - DC jet, 1cm Ø, 20m/s - 30kg Hg/s - carries heat away - “shock” studied by MERIT MERIT: - PS beam - correct energy density - 20m/s jet - 15T pulsed magnet 1 2 3 4 Syringe Pump Secondary Containment Jet Chamber Proton Beam Solenoid Data-taking – November 2007 Analysis – on-going, but advanced

Liquid Mercury Images of Jet Flow at Viewport 3, B = 10 T, N = 10 Tp, 2 ms/frame,  Ldisruption = 17 cm. t = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 ms Disruption: - starts after proton pulse - finished before next

Liquid Mercury 24 GeV 14 GeV

Liquid Mercury Concept is proven, though analysis on-going Remaining issues mainly related to engineering: impact of droplets and filaments impact of mercury jet construction of DC jet erosion and contamination of mercury design of mercury loop collection of mercury radio-protection

Study-2 capture solenoid “Solids” Concept: ~150 solid W bars, 2x20cm, changed between pulses First main issue – thermal shock: - tested with current - >26 year lifetime - now use beams Study-2 capture solenoid Radiation: ~same as ISIS Second main issue – changing the targets!

“Solids” Alternative concept: particle jet: ~250µm W power, few m/s jet entirely novel, many issues to study


EMMA Model of muon FFAG accelerator(s) in NF – v. imp. R&D project Proof-of-principle non-scaling FFAG – variety of applications: - proton & light ion cancer therapy - ADSR - muon production for slow muons - etc Will study: - ns dynamics - large acceptance, 30πm mrad - bucketless acceleration - fast resonance crossing - very large momentum compaction - etc Comparison with tracking codes Parameters: - electrons, 10-20MeV - 42 cells, doublet lattice, 1.3GHZ RF - cell length 40cm → 16.5m circumference

EMMA Being built at Daresbury Use ALICE as injector


EMMA Diagnostics beamline Injection line EMMA ring

EMMA First beam ~December

Beta Beam Baseline Beta Beam 18Ne and 6He studied in EURISOL FP6 DS Updated Beta Beam: 8Li and 8B – higher Q isotopes Baseline ions ISOL method 18Ne 2x1013/s <8x1011/s 6He 2x1013/s >1x1013/s direct production being studied 8Li 1014/s 8B >1013/s ion production ring

Ion production & collection Beta Beam Overall conceptual design Ion production & collection Bunching Decay ring

Ion production & collection Beta Beam Overall conceptual design Ion production & collection Bunching Decay ring

From C. Rubbia, et al. in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487 Ion Production Ion production ring 8Li 1014/s 8B >1013/s 7Li(d,p)8Li 6Li(3He,n)8B 7Li 6Li 20-30 MeV From C. Rubbia, et al. in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487

Being studied in EUROnu Ion Production Being studied in EUROnu

Conclusions Number of post-T2K projects world-wide Choice of “best” currently uncertain due to: physics performance cost EUROnu studying this in European context IDS-NF looking at Neutrino Factory Targeting SG 2012 deadline Significant progress being made