Side events & Exhibition GEO Summit 2015 Side events & Exhibition MIN-WG meeting 9-10 April 2015
Side events
Rooms available for GEO events Date Hilton Ministry (SRE) Total Remarks 9 November - 11 4 additional rooms by dividing the Plenary room 10 November 4 15 11 November 1 7 8 GEO XII at Hilton 12 November GEO XII at SRE 13 November GEO Summit at SRE The figures above refers to all rooms needed for GEO events (including GEO Summit, GEO-XII Plenary, GEO Executive Committee and GEO Caucuses) In addition, throughout the whole week: Secretariat Office at SRE Co-chairs offices + meeting room at Hilton Press room (classroom style) at SRE
Side events program definition Timeline Call by 30 April Replies by 31 May Preliminary list of side events by 15 June Preliminary program by 30 September Main criteria (indicated in the call) The objective will be to accommodate all the requests Priority for Caucuses meetings In case of “overbooking”, apply the rule “first arrive first serve”
Approach to the Exhibition In consideration of the opportunity of making synergies, the definition of the GEO Exhibitors and of the associated floor plan will be coordinated with Geospatial Media & Communication, the organizer (together with INEGI) of the Latin American Geospatial Forum (LAGF), which also plans an Exhibition. The plan is to have just one Exhibition Hall and to jointly define its layout. Geospatial Media & Communication has provided a preliminary allocation of booths of different size, which takes into account GEO needs
Exhibition – preliminary booths allocation 35 Booths of different size preliminarily identified For reference, we had 21 Exhibitors at the Geneva Summit in January 2014
Exhibition definition Timeline First call (intention to Exhibit) by 30 April Replies to GEO Sec by 31 May Preliminary exhibitors’ list, put together by GEO Sec, by 15 June Second call (confirmation and ordering) by 15 July Replies to Geospatial Media (cc to GEO Sec) by 15 September Preliminary list and layout by 30 September Main criteria (indicated in the call) The objective will be to accommodate all the requests In case of “overbooking”, apply the rule “first arrive first serve”