To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare On the white boards: Why was there a clash of cultures between white settlers and Plains Indians on the Great Plains? This would be a 12-mark question in an exam
Key vocabulary: stealth Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Key vocabulary: stealth Even better learning To prioritise the impact of beliefs about warfare (Grade A/A*) Great Learning To explain the link between beliefs and fighting techniques (Grade C/B) Good learning To describe the fighting techniques used by Plains Indians (Grade E/D) SMSC: social – fighting techniques
To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Practice GCSE Question: Describe Plains Indian beliefs about warfare (9 marks) Please mark the answer and give this student some advice to improve their learning.
To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Marking criteria Marks 1. Simple statements They did not want to kill; they did not have big battles 1-3 2. Developed statements with some knowledge Plains Indians fought for honour and to capture horses Keep top marks for students with a range of points 3. Precise answer showing understanding of the question Plains Indians fought for survival, not to conquer 4-6 7-9
Research project To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Research project Section 4 : How did traditional fighting techniques help the Plains Indians to survive on the Great Plains? Please follow the instructions on the VLE Due: 3rd October
To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare How useful is this source for a historian investigating Plains Indian fighting techniques? What advice would you give to the director?