What is the social construction of childhood?
The idea is that what we know as childhood isn’t an absolute idea which has always been around as is the same everywhere Instead sociologists argue childhood is an idea which has been built (constructed) over time
What was childhood like years ago? In the industrial period, only the children of wealthy parents had what we would term as a childhood Working-class children went to work from a very young age in factories These factories were dangerous, noisy, and low-paid So children had no childhood like we understand the term
These children were seen as little adults The distinction between child and adult didn’t exist – think of Dickens Oliver Childhood as we know it didn’t start until 20th century
When compulsory school started in 1902 so childhood as we know it started Compulsory schooling meant children couldn’t spend as long in the factories As children spent less time at work they spent more time at school and at home
This introduced the idea of child-centeredness Especially as families got smaller, then parents could spend more time looking after fewer children Increased incomes meant more money could be spent on children
The welfare state meant the state gave parents money to look after children – Child Benefit The Children Act of 1989 meant children were given rights Childline was introduced to protect children being abused
Increased compulsory education means childhood now lasts until 18 when you’re allowed to leave school Some say childhood is extended further as some kids stay at home until their late 20s Children are protected more by their parents – as in driven around everywhere
Children are now targeted as consumers in their own right For example TV programs are made for kids, with their own adverts, clothing brands target kids etc