Implementation of the Inter-regional Project on Youth : Lessons Learned The Interregional Youth Policy Forum 21-23 November 2017 Bangkok
Objective of the Project The objective of the project is to “ increase the participation of youth in the formulation of inclusive and sustainable development policies in the ESCAP, ECA and ESCWA regions”; -The project aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of policy makers, young people and youth-led organizations in the ESCAP, ECA and ESCWA regions to develop and implement empowering and gender-responsive youth policies, along with promoting the meaningful engagement of young women and men in the equitable socioeconomic development of their countries; -ESCWA focus : Increasing the participation of youth in public life and decision-making processes (Jordan , Kuwait ,Tunisia)
Expected Accomplishments (EA1) Increased understanding among policymakers of the issues faced by youth, including young women, particularly in relation to their equal participation in economic development. (EA2) Strengthened capacity of policymakers to formulate cross-sectoral policies that enhance effective participation of youth in economic, social and political life. (EA3) Enhanced engagement between policymakers and youth groups in jointly designing, amending and implementing youth-based policies for inclusive and sustainable development.
Project Activities 1) Regional Analysis on the situation of youth in the Arab region and its two related EGMs ( prior for methodology/peer review); 2) Preparation of a toolbox on planning, designing and implementing youth policies; 3)Three national-level capacity building workshops to enhance the participation of youth in public life and decision making processes; 4) Regional Meeting to disseminate the toolbox and ensure sustainability; 5) Strengthening skills and tools among youth NGOs (Grant process) 6) Interregional forum to exchange national experience, promote knowledge sharing across regions, build mutual understanding and enhance skills among youth leaders and organizations, as well as government officials.
Impact of The Project 1)Increased number of policymakers whose knowledge on the situation of youth, policy options, strategies and good practices has been enhanced ; Around 200 decision makers attended workshops/meetings organized by grant recipients adopted policy recommendations generated by youth . In addition to workshop participants ( before and after knowledge surveys) 2) Increased number of requests received by the Regional Commissions from policymakers for additional analysis or assistance in relation to youth policies in their respective countries; Two requests from target countries-Jordan and Tunisia- to adopt the capacity building training material at the national level, creating a multiplier effect in all governorates through a nucleus of TOT trainers from the Project+ establishment of a regional youth coalition with a direct contact with youth centers ( for ex 200 in Jordan)
Impact of The Project 3) Increased number of documented and recommended youth-based policies or good practices from across the ESCWA regions; 30 documented good practice about youth policies were compiled and included in the Toolbox (19 online-11 from the field) 5) Increased number of youth organizations that are involved in policy discussions with policymakers in their countries for the formulation of youth-driven policies for inclusive and sustainable development. 60 youth leaders are the direct beneficiaries of the capacity building workshops; while the project created a multiplier effect through the grant process, whereby more than 300 youth leaders/organizations were involved in policy discussion.
Challenges and Lessons Learned Design of the Project : the focus on the toolbox, workshops to test the toolbox, grants as consultancies; Implementation of the Project:: lack of data, limited use of ICT platforms in the region, lack of capacity building material tailored to region, lack of experience of youth in participation issues ( country variations),challenges regarding building trust Promising aspects: willingness /readiness of youth NGOS to promptly act and engage in these issues, multiplier effect created by this project through the diversification of outputs.
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