Joseph Petrick University Faculty Senator


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Presentation transcript:

Joseph Petrick University Faculty Senator Robert’s Rules of Order Workshop Friday, August 20, 2010 ASC Allied Health 231 Joseph Petrick University Faculty Senator

Rules? What rules? A Manual of Parliamentary Procedure for the Use of the Senate of the United States (1801) Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure Robert’s Rules of Order Revised for Deliberative Assemblies Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (10th edition)

Deliberative Assembly Full and free discussion of a group of people “The group meets in a single room or area or under equivalent conditions of opportunity for simultaneous aural communication among all participants.” “The group is of such size […] that a degree of formality is necessary in its proceedings.” (Robert’s Rules, p. 1)

Quorum and Call to Order Quorum -- A minimum number of members to be present (pp. 20 - 21) The meeting is called to order (p. 24)

The Agenda Standard order of business (or, alternatively, the agenda; pp. 24-26, 340-353): -- Reading and approval of minutes -- Reports -- Unfinished business -- New business

Motions A motion may grow out of a report A motion may grow out of a communication (from a member not present, a superior body, or an outside source – p. 27)

Making a Motion "A motion is a formal proposal by a member, in a meeting, that the group take certain action." (pp. 31-36, 95-333) To make a motion, or to speak on a motion, a member must be recognized by the chair or presiding officer by standing and calling out to the chair or presiding officer. Robert's says that you must stand and remain standing while you have the floor (pp. 28-30).

Types of motions Main motion (approving minutes, accepting reports, making expenditures, business items) Subsidiary motions (amendments, placing limits or extensions on debate, lay on or take from table, postponing, calling the question) Incidental motions (points of order, points of information, appealing a decision of the chair, suspending the rules) Privileged motions (Adjournment, recess, etc.)

Established Customs A deliberative assembly may have established customs (p. 17) These may include: Not reporting vote counts (Teller’s report) Not standing to obtain the floor

"I move that ..." Motions should be precise, and long motions should be written and handed to the secretary. Commentary on the motion occurs only after the motion has been seconded. Motions may be written in advance by committees or individual members, or drafted during meetings.

"I move that ...“, continued The motion must be seconded by a member, although the second does not have to agree with the motion. The chair "States the question," i.e. repeats the motion. The chair then may turn to the maker of the motion for comment.

"I move that ...“, continued Everyone may speak twice, but those who have not yet spoken are given preference (p. 30). The chair should alternate between those who have opposing viewpoints, if those viewpoints are known. You cannot, while someone is still speaking, try to signal that you want to speak next (p. 29).

Resolutions “A main motion […] is frequently offered as a resolution” (pp. 100-101) A resolution may express the opinion or position of an organized society A resolution may include a preamble, which includes reasons for its adoption A resolution coming from a committee needs not be seconded (p. 35)

Example of a Resolution Whereas, it has become known that Central and Western New York has become known as “the place where clouds go to die”; Resolved, the sky shall be blue every day; Be it further resolved, activities made possible by blue skies will be conducted on days when skies are blue.

Amending motions The motion may be amended (i.e., "Friendly amendments") by an amendment to insert words, an amendment to strike out words, or an amendment to strike out and insert words Debate may be limited or extended by a motion. For example, "I move that debate on the pending motion be limited to 10 minutes."

Ending Discussion Discussion may be ended by a member obtaining the floor and saying "I move the previous question" (or “I call the question”). This cannot be debated, and requires a two-thirds vote to move to a vote on the question. Discussion may be ended by "Postponing to a certain time" or to "Commit" the question(or refer to committee). This is often mistaken with to "Lay on the table" (i.e., to table), which is to "lay the pending question aside temporarily when something else of immediate urgency has arisen" (p. 201).

Points of Order A point of order may be made "When a member thinks the rules of the assembly are being violated [...] thereby calling on the Chair for a ruling and an enforcement of the regular rules" (p. 240). The point of order may be made without being recognized by the chair (p. 244). The presiding officer, not the parliamentarian, makes rulings (p. 243).

Putting the Question The chair "puts" the question, and may ask, "Is there any further discussion?" The chair has voting rights, in addition to being the tie-breaker (p. 50 - 51). Those in favor, say "aye;" those opposed, "no." The chair announces the result of the vote.

Types of Vote Voice vote Rising vote Show of hands Ballot (p. 274)

Policies and By-Laws The SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees: The Alfred State College Faculty Senate By-Laws:

ASC Faculty Senate Committees Executive Committee Academic Affairs Academic Integrity Assessment and General Education Budget and Planning College Review Panel Computing and Communications Curriculum Development and Review E-Learning Nominations, Elections, and Governance Promotions – Alfred Campus Promotions – Wellsville Campus Committee on Student Life

Bibliography Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 10th edition (DeCapo Press) Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, in Brief (DeCapo Press)

Questions Please list three examples of subsidiary motions. A point of order is an incidental motion. True or false? The section on motions in Robert’s Rules extends from pages 95 to 333. True or false?

Adjournment May we have a motion to adjourn?