Care Cleanliness Storage Transporting Use Equipment
Choosing a Paddle
Choosing a Paddle
Choosing a life jacket Proper care and condition Approved Proper size Always on and strapped
Choosing a life jacket It will help keep your head above the water. Too big, and the life jacket will ride up around your face. Too small, it will not be able to keep your body afloat. Life jackets designed for adults will not work for children! Check the size Do the “Arms Up Test”
Safety Buddy System Fitness & Ability must be right for the challenge Weather First Aid readiness
Entering a Kayak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOaSwKGExOc
The Strokes Dipped part of the paddle goes towards the riverbed Pull Wide for stability, narrow for power Recovery is parallel to the surface and above the surface A J-Stroke can be used to steer with minimal effort
Self Rescue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obd7mWH6PUY