Falling in Love All Over Again MISSOURI PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PARTNERSHIP Cheryl Konarski, APCO Certified Instructor
OBJECTIVES Remember why we fell in love with this profession What has changed? Perceptions of love and hate What can be done to change them How do we Fall in Love all over Again?
In The Beginning – Why We Fell In Love Excitement – eager for each new shift! Help everyone – Save lives Learn new skills Prestige – home town proud! Make more money?? It’ll be just like it is on TV!! WOW!
What Happened? The thrill of plugging in – tuning up Consequences – real people getting hurt Fear of making a mistake and hurting someone Help the people – Serve others Constant alertness & our health Working on the Starship Enterprise!! Tied to a headset – no sunlight Isolated from others – losing social skills
Feelings Start to Change This isn’t really like on TV at ALL! People – they aren’t grateful at ALL! Little irritations like ants eating me alive… Job – Do I really have to go in today I do feel a bit green... No to overtime..no no no…I’ll be poor but no! If I make it be 5 til at least I made it….
Final Stage - Disillusionment Focus only on negative Work is a CHORE… Maybe I need to find something else! Major doubts about “YOU” Expectations of yourself – NOT met! Co-Workers are driving me INSANE! People are sooooo UNGRATEFUL!
Coping Skills Do we have them? Stress & Disillusionment – Perceptions We’re Just Glorified Secretaries! Cliques – Them not me or us Can’t trust the man! Outside influence – Inside Coping!
Swing the Pendulum BACK What can YOU do to fall back in love again? What drew you to the job? What used to inspire you? What satisfies your needs? Get back on track New goals Focus on good Share what you learn! Benefits beyond the paycheck
Let’s live our lives like a marathon, not a sprint to the finish Let’s live our lives like a marathon, not a sprint to the finish. Let’s not be in such a hurry to get there. Let’s enjoy and celebrate our extraordinary success throughout our journey ~Jan Fraser
What Can You do? Start each day with a positive attitude Check your own perspectives Miserable – it reflects Smile – it will make them wonder? Anticipate a great day! Get in early – take time to settle in Eat a good healthy meal
CENTER of the CENTER Remember who you are! You are the first (perhaps only) contact a citizen will make with public safety You are the voice on the phone or radio who is there to help when everything is going south You are the back-up who is always waiting You are the heart beat that keeps other hearts beating You are the thin gold line!
What Can You do? Dress with Pride Offer Yourself a Personal Reward Keep your passion burning Consistently remind yourself of goals Maintain positive relationships Rekindle that fire inside you!
If no one else cares YOU can care….
What Can You Do? Mentor new professionals Figure out ways to “spice” it up! Create Balance in your Life Don’t let your career consume you!
TAKE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF FIGURE OUT WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY AGAIN How many of us are living the life someone else wants us to? How many of us are doing things because someone else wants us to, not because we want to? TAKE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF FIGURE OUT WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY AGAIN
than a big, bright display! What CAN the Results be? Fireworks – maybe not as bright as when you first started but YOU will get the satisfaction that can last longer than a big, bright display!
Conclusion Ultimately it is up to you Do NOT let naysayers win Take control Take ownership Do NOT let naysayers win YOU are your own best cheerleader It’s the journey not the destination
Conclusion Some people choose to focus on solutions, not allowing anything to get in the way of achieving their goals. Then there are those people who take virtually no responsibility for solving their own problems themselves. Which are you?
Resource Material 5 tips for falling in love with your job ~ Heather r. Huhman How to Fall in Love with Your Job all Over Again ~ Patricia Fripp www.paidtoexist.com, Live and Work on Your Own Terms So You Want to be a Dispatcher ~ Cindra Dunaway Stress and the Dispatcher, T.P. McAtamney, Headsets911