Communication Technology
Course Outline This course is about the different tools used in communicating our ideas to others. We will also be learning how to use these communication tools.
Introduction to Communications Technology
Science and Technology Science is the exploration of the world to find new things. Technology is finding ways to use these new things to meet the needs of humans. Science and technology have a symbiotic relationship. This means that science and technology depend on each other in order to develop new ideas.
Technology and Humans Why do we need or use technology? To satisfy the needs and wants of humans To extend human capabilities
Basic Human Needs What are some of the basic needs that humans have? Food Shelter Water ? What would a Rain Coat be? A need or a want?
Satisfying Needs and Extending Human Capabilities Tools are the objects we use to carry out the task we perform. Examples: Pencil and paper, telephones, and computers. What other tools of communication do we use to perform various tasks?
Using Communication Effectively The Agricultural Age – Used communication to develop and share technologies that improved farming. Example: Crop Rotation The Industrial Age – is when technologies made it easier for people to communicate their ideas. The Information Age – allows people to combine different tools needed to present an idea.
Resources and Technology Resources are the things you need to produce a product, provide a service, or solve a problem.
Three Types of Technology Manufacturing Technology – the process that factories use to create a product. Construction Technologies – the process used to build structures. Bio-related Technologies – the process used to make or change a product using live organisms.
Manufacturing Technology
Construction Technologies
Bio-Related Technologies
The Communication Process System – an orderly fashion of achieving a goal. Input – something that is put into a system. Process – the part of the system where something is done or produced. Output – is the result or product of the system’s process. Feedback – is the type of output that results.
The Communication Process
Feedback Responses The results of feedback may include: Impact – the power of an event or idea Subsystems – are small systems within a complex system.
Converging Information Converging - allows us to use different types of communication tools to bring information together. Digital information allows us to combine video, audio, and text together by using a computer. Example: a computer creates a DVD movie that has video, audio, and text.