GDWG Agenda Item Baseline Reviews: Website Masaya Takahashi, JMA CMA, CNES, EUMETSAT, ISRO, IMD, JAXA, JMA, KMA, NASA, NIST, NOAA, ROSHYDROMET, USGS, WMO
Overview and Purpose Overview Purpose of the Presentation GPRC websites provide: inter-calibration methods/results hyperlinks to other GSCIS websites (e.g., GPRCs, GCC, WMO GSICS portal, etc.). To maintain up-to-date the GSICS information is very important for both users and developers. Purpose of the Presentation The purposes of the presentation are: to list minimal common content available on GPRC websites; to review existing GPRC websites; to encourage launching new GPRC websites.
Requirements for GPRC websites Action in 2014 GSICS annual meeting GDWG_14.14: All GPRCs to review their GSICS websites to take into account of the new developments in GSICS as these websites will be reviewed in the next joint meeting.
Proposed solution (agreements) for GPRC websites Common consensus within GDWG members in 2013 GSICS annual meeting Correct GSICS logo linking to the WMO GSICS portal ( Links to other GPRC websites Pages with bias monitoring graphs for GPRC products (all if possible) Links to where the GPRC data can be downloaded (preferably THREDDS data servers) GPRC website contact information Links to GPRC official documents (ATBDs, reports, etc.) The link to the GSICS product catalog The link to the GCC home page
Discussion (Review of existing GPRCs + GCC websites) CMA/NSMC EUMETSAT JMA/MSC KMA/NMSC NOAA/NESDIS
GDWG discussion on the launch of new GPRC websites (to be modified in the discussion) The GDWG encouraged all GPRCs to launch their own GPRC websites and maintain them in a proper way. Resources Needed: Man Days Effort: Launch new GPRC websites – 3-4 week (depends on contents). Maintain websites – 1 week / year. HW & SW Procurements: not applicable Input Data Acquisition Effort: not applicable Proposed Time Scale: Continuous work Deliverables: GPRC websites. Priority of the Task: Medium
Identify the Working Group Member Taking the Lead on this Action: Agenda item summary; assign action identifier (to be modified in the discussion) Action Identifier: GDWG_15.01: all GPRCs to check their GSICS websites are aligned to these requirements. GDWG_15.02: GPRC to… Identify the Working Group Member Taking the Lead on this Action: No lead identifier.
End of Presentation: Thank you for your attention WMO GSICS Portal GSICS Coordination Centre - GSICS Product Catalog - EUMETSAT’s Data and Management Server