M7 controls Cryo, vacuum, ODH information available Network connections: added 4 managed switches. M7 has slow controls added Vacuum gauges reading through Moxa box and Java device server and put in Timber. SILECS class being developed (D. Glenat/M. Jaussi) Radiation will need connecting also by RS232
Tuner test LabView application to talk directly to MCI controller Has been requested (Eric?) Inspector panel Currently uses FESA3 classes which need Tuner loop LLRF hardware to be present Niall has 2 cards from Robert, need to find a FEC, install FESA classes (could use crate in lab over network) Otherwise can use old FESA2 class to drive the motor but bug can send tuner to end stop - Danger! Inspector gives nothing more than LabVIEW (?)
LLRF tests Basic core of FESA class based on generated code working Everything in Python expert GUI working through FESA apart from acquisition buffers Volt meters for gradient and forward/reflected/transmitted power Operational interface properties still need to be defined for integration into LSA Function generator interface needs to be implemented in the Loops module firmware with multiplexers to commute between functions and registers ObsBox interface implementation in progress