Urgent: help needed for refugees! Donations are being collected to go to refugees in Calais. What is needed? What we DO NOT need: WOMEN and CHILDREN’S CLOTHES or SHOES Sheets Pillows Suits Town Shoes Jumpers Wellingtons What we BADLY need: SHOES: trainers or hiking shoes size 41-46 TENTS, COVERS, TARPAULIN JACKETS: size SMALL and MEDIUM only TRAVELLING BAGS SOCKS CANDLES or other lighting implements BELTS What we ALWAYS need: Tracksuit trousers Jeans size 28-32 Blankets Sleeping bags Soap Shampoo Toothbrushes Toothpaste Plastic bags Woolly hats Pants Pots / Pans What to do? Bring your donations to one of the drop off points by 18th September -- Include details of collection points Any questions? Contact ---------- or search on google ‘Urgent: help needed for refugees!’