Adaptations and Evolution
Adaptation The adjustment of an organism to its environment by which its “fitness” or ability to survive is enhanced If an organism does not adapt to its environment it WILL NOT survive What are some examples of adaptations? With your table group come up with a list of 5 adaptations.
Examples of Adaptations Polar Bears—thick fur Small Snakes– venom Chameleon– ability to change its color Artic Fox– white fur Camel– hump Bird Beaks– different types for different foods **Choose one of these adaptations or one showed in the video to write a paper (at least ½ page) explaining the adaptation and how it helps the animal survive in its habitat.** DUE MONDAY!! (MUST be typed in 12pt font)
Natural Selection Also known as “Survival of the Fittest” Process by which traits become either more or less common in a population based on the adaptations of animals If adapted well to environment will reproduce and pass on the adaptation If not adapted well to the environment animal will not live to reproduce and will not pass on its traits
Selective Breeding Process by which humans breed animals and plants for particular traits. Examples: Dog breeds for size/ physical characteristics and for less health issues Cows for better milk production Corn for better crop yields
Evolution The change of organisms over time via adaptations and natural selection Theory presented by Charles Darwin in his book The Origin of Species in 1859