FIELDING 1.Over-Arm throw and Crow-hop. 2.Under-Arm, Side-Arm [cross-over] throw and Back-Hand flick. 3.Slips and Close-in-Catching. 4.Flat or Parallel catches. 5.High catches. 6.Running between wickets.
OVER-ARM THROW AND CROW-HOP 1.Preparation. 2.Step and Back swing of the throwing arm. 3.Front-arm compression and Trunk-Rotation. 4.Upward wrist rotation and Forward press of the throwing elbow. 5.Forearm rotation and wrist snap. 6.Release. 7.Follow through. 8.Crow-Hop.
OVER-ARM THROW [KEY POINTS] 1.Eyes fixed on target, body side on towards target, front leg in line with target. 2.Use a wide base of support to allow a long arm swing. 3.Keep the front leg braced throughout the throw. 4.Arms at shoulder level. 5.Wrist cocked i.e back of the hand facing target. 6.Keep the throwing arm elbow higher than the shoulder axis. 7.Keep the throwing hand wrist wider than the elbow. 8.Finish with the throwing hand outside and lower than the front knee. 9.In Crow-Hop, during the arm back swing, the rear foot should cross in front of the body.
UNDER-ARM THROW 1.Gather and receiving the ball. 2.Front foot plant and down swing. 3.Release. 4.Follow through.
UNDER-ARM THROW [KEY POINTS] 1.Begin the approach with short, quick steps. 2.Stay low with knees flexed for balance. 3.Pick-up the ball beside and outside the throwing side foot. 4.Keep elbow of throwing arm straight. 5.Release and aim at the center of the stumps. 6.Keep low in follow through.
SIDE-ARM [CROSS OVER] THROW 1Preparation and gather. 2.Synchronization of arms and legs. 3.Release. 4.Follow through.
SIDE-ARM [CROSS OVER]THROW [KEY POINTS] 1.Stay low. 2.Pick up the ball with the appropriate foot forward[determined by body speed]. 3.When airborne,ensure arms & legs work against each others. 4.Rotate shoulders before the arms. 5.Snap the wrist to maximize backspin. 6.Maintain running speed throughout.
BACK-HAND FLICK 1.Pick-up and gather. 2.Wrist flick and release. 3.Follow through.
BACK-HAND FLICK [KEY POINTS] 1.Watch the ball intently and keep low for balance. 2.Use a straight arm and flexible wrist for short flicks. 3.Palm of throwing hand faces target through the release phase. 4.Speed of the ball out of hand is the key.
SLIPS AND CLOSE-IN CATCHING 1.Eyes-Soft Focus. 2.Hand position. 3.Leg movement. 4.Concentration. 5.Protective equipment.
SLIPS AND CLOSE-IN CATCHING [KEY POINTS] 1Eyes should be in soft focus. 2.Hand should form a cup with little fingers over-lapping, elbows bent, clear of the body. 3.Legs shoulder width apart, knees flexed,weight on inside balls of feet. 4.First slip watches bowler,second,third & gully watch area around bat. 5.Silly point & short leg watch area around bat & pad & keep low till the ball hits bat or pad or both. 6.Slips and close-in fielders need to ration concentration by switching on and off at the right time.
FLAT OR PARALLEL CATCHES 1.Hand position. 2.Foot movement.
HIGH CATCHES 1.Preparation. 2.Under hand high catch. 3.Over head high catch.
RUNNING BETWEEN THE WICKETS 1.Calling. 2.Non-striker:Back-up & position of bat in hand. 3.Change over of bat hand while taking two or more runs. 4.Striker’s right of path. 5.Grounding the bat and running it along the ground. 6.Run the first run fast. 7.Use arms to gain momentum. 8.Use of legs to stretch and go low to gain distance. 9.Don’t look at the ball often while running. 10.Batsmen must be aware of right & left hand dominant fielder.
AWARENESS Work as pairs & be aware of each other. Look for runs from defensive shots and attacking shots. Identify for strong/weak fielders. Identify & remember the gaps in the field.
ATTITUDE Always be ready to take quick singles. Value every runs. Put fielders under pressure to create errors. Be ready to look for overthrows. Run aggressively. Attempts- turn 1s into 2s to3s.
BACKING UP BY NON-STRIKER Keep bat in hand nearest the bowling crease-stay balanced. Don’t set off too early for run. Move down the pitch as the ball is released Expect a run every ball (involvement). Make sure not to run into striker.
GOOD CALLING Be loud & clear-yes, no &wait. Who should call? Take responsibility when running towards danger end. Be ready to accept calls & don’t hesitate.
RUNNING & TURNING Run in straight line (shortest distance). Carry the bat in both hands. Turn quickly by getting low. Face the fielder & keeping the head up. Ground the bat-slide near the crease.
GENERAL GUIDELINES TO FIELDING COACHES 1.Group of 14-16 are ideal for fielding session. 2.Not more than 5-6 in each group for effective fielding session. 3.Fielders are to wear proper gear. 4.Early part of the season for basic skill and technique. 5.Fielding coach should carry large numbers of old balls,coaches half size bat,base ball mitt,cones etc. 6.Session should start with a good warm-up and end with a cool-down. 7.As far as possible, coach should demonstrate the skill. 8.Fielders should be taught the correct mental approach